The Beginning: Part 4

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The sound of two pairs of footsteps followed him and as he ran. His silent footsteps in time with his pounding heart, momentarily quickening every time he heard one of them start to catch up.

He can't be caught. He couldn't be caught, because if he was caught, then he would never be able to find or catch his twin brother's murderer.

But it was only a matter of time before he was, and even he knew it.

Adam Loon's mind raced as he rushed against the clock, to get the two men off of his trail. Which way now?? He asked himself as he came to a crossroad in the alleyway. Left or right, right or left? Slyly looking over his shoulder; where the men were slowly starting to catch up, a plan formed in his mind, and faster than you could believe, he quickly sprinted down the left alleyway, hoping his plan would work.

Adam's breath caught in his throat as he ran, mentally crossing his fingers that they would fall for what he was going to do. Almost throwing himself forwards as his legs started to give out beneath him, he finally forced himself to stop, reached the final destination of where he had planned. 

Surrounded by the three seemingly high, sturdy brick walls, he waited as the men who decided to give chase to the one and only master thief of the Survivals. Appearing to be frustrated and giving up hope as the men rounded the corner, Adam quickly ran through what he was about to do once more.

The lead person; who had thought originally to be a man, but actually turned out to be a woman with just shortly cropped spiky hair, began to stagger up to him with an unusual amount of grace by the way she held herself. The woman began to laugh in a low chuckle, which he supposed; was meant to unsettle him, thinking they had gotten him there and then.

As she drew closer and nearer to him, Adam found himself backing up slowly until he bumped into the far back wall, near the right corner, the darkness and depth of it almost swallowing him up from the woman approaching him.

"Where 'ya gonna go now smart one? You got nowhere to run now" one of the men behind her said.

"Quiet George! Let me do the talking!" The lead woman snapped at him.

Turning back to him with her supposed bodyguards flanking her from behind, she took another step forwards and-

Was surrounded with soldier looking people pointing something that looked like guns at them.


"Bu- But Sir you have to understand-" One of the bodyguards stuttered.

"SILENCE!" Another shouted, the closest to Adam. Nodding at another soldier to their left, and saying "Take them to the place and Markus and I will deal with the victim" before rounding up the three and shuffling them out of there.

As soon as they were out of sight, the two soldiers who stayed behind, threw their guns and caps to the ground, waited a minute, before one of them said "You can come out now Adam!"

He ran out from his spot in the shadows and ran towards his friends.

"Thank God you guys showed up! I wasn't sure if you would as this is a barely used spot. I bet that if you didn't show up I would have been dead meat. No not literally, in case that is what you were thinking, but probably something close to that, like a dead carrot-"

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