The Beginning: Part 3

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Bright lights. A mixture of swirling colours everywhere. The stench of the sweat coming from the tightly pressed bodies up against each other with a multitude of hands in the air, swaying to the deafening music. Everyone having a fun night, there because they needed the break off to have for themselves.

But Samantha Greene only happened to be there, because she was on a small mission to catch a long time drug dealer and she was given an anonymous tip off that he'd be here tonight.

A club?! She thought as she swam through the doors. Of all the things that it could have been, it just HAD to be a club. She mentally sighed as she swam up to the bar, sat down and ordered a beer to not look suspicious. Though because she was with the UnderWater CEO, she had to have a high alcohol tolerance, but she was careful not to drink it right away because she didn't want to only have half of her wits about her when fighting the drug dealer.

She looked around for the guy she was supposed to meet who was supposed to give her the location and time where she was supposed to be for the "trade". She was looking for a man around 30 who is tall and has brown hair, a moustache, and dark brown eyes. With no luck so far, she sighed and stirred her drink with her finger to check if her drink had been tampered with. The CEO had come up with a way to check if drinks had been tampered with by making the nail polish on her fingers turn a different colour, it was genius and she thanked them for it.

She suddenly was yanked from her thoughts as she felt a presence come and sit down in the seat beside her. Samantha quickly glanced in a reflective surface beside her to check who it was without giving away that she had noticed them. It turned out that it was exactly the man she had been looking for. As she heard him asking for a drink, Samantha took it as an opportunity to talk to him, but before she could, he opened his mouth to say something.

"Rough night?" He asked glancing towards her. She only nodded and then said "But I think that you have something with you here that could make it better." She said getting down to business, only wanting for this to be over with, all while not looking at him.

"Ahhhh-" he said, "-So you're the one I was told I'm here for. Now I believe that I can help you out, just be careful on you're way out." With that, he passed her a slip of paper so discretely that it merely appeared that he was swiping something off of the table, before walking out of the noisy club.

When he was out of sight, only then did she look around before having a glance at the pre-prepared slip of paper, on it, it said.

Meet me in the alleyway beside the Museum on Main St. West. The exchange will be by the dumpsters there, you'll see it.

Samantha stood up, leaving her untouched beer on the counter, before leaving the club and getting in her car following the directions he gave her.


As she turned into the alleyway by the dumpsters, she noticed how unnoticeable the alleyway was. The side of the building had hid it perfectly and it looked like no one would ever go back there aside from taking out the garbage at the end of the day. A perfect spot for someone who wants to be under the radar by the Empire, She thought.

Just as she was promised, she found both the man and the dealer already standing there.

"Come on lets get this over with." The man said impatiently, "We've wasted enough time already because of the amount of time it took for her to look at the note and get here." He rudely jabbed his thumb in Samantha's direction. "Well what are you all standing there like that for?! Do the trade!"

The Elvin Empire {Book One In The United As Four Series} •ON HOLD•Where stories live. Discover now