the eighth chapter

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"I can't believe this shit was all a prank," B/N said slamming his head onto the dashboard, "I didn't do anything!"

"Bullshit, you ditched me & ignored all of my calls. You deserved it!" You yelled, continuing to ferociously devour the burger in your hand.

"Geez, next time we won't leave you. Happy?" Yun says, looking away from his food to made sure you cleaned after yourself & didn't grease his seats.

"New rule. No more parties, no more fuck ups." You propose, throwing the wrappers into the bag that would be thrown into a proper trash later.

For a minute, there's silence before they both agree to never ever take you to a party. It was for the best; for you...and everyone's images.

"Y/N, be fully honest before I send you back to America," B/N jokingly threatens with a smile & dropping it after hearing no reaction, "How the hell-- who the hell is that boy?"

"Remember those rules! No boys...or girls...?  Whatever. No dating!" Doyun scolds, shaking his head.

"You must've hit it off if you let him in on the prank. You did like him, huh? That's why you stayed!" B/N accused.

"What the hel—"

"I have an idea. We lock her in the room and she does cyber school! We'll slip in food and she'll never meet a boy and have babies, ever!"

"That doesn't sound like a bad...wait, no," You say shaking off the idea as the engine starts up and the car starts moving, "I kept him around because I thought if I did, he'd leave me alone for good."

"Please child. I know how this ends. Boom you meet again. It's meant to be! Friendship turns to relationship. Blah, blah, blah; & now there's a baby and a divorce that leads to you going to their wedding because that's still your best friend and you want them to be happy even though it hurts." Doyun explains.


"Who the hell broke your heart?"

"Forget it, main point is, relationships suck. Don't do it! Now let's get home, I'll crash at yours. My stuff is already there." Doyun says pulling up the hill.

"Hey, (B/N). (F/N) said you'd give me a job after I blew the cash he'd give me." You say while they redirect the conversation, again.

"Yeah...and?" He makes a turn and starts driving up the mountain to your house.

"Well, I blew it all."


Waz sighs lightly as soon as the car parks before opening the door.

"I'm not getting in the middle of this." He closes the door ignoring (B/N)'s yells and sticks a finger at (B/N).

You attempt to sneak out before he can notice, but you're too late. He locks the door and shoots his head back.

"Here's the rules. You're not getting paid no more than $200 for each shoot. Max shoots are once a week."

"$200?! How am I going to stock my fridge everyweek? I'm worth more than that! That's barely–" You feel chills run down when (B/N) gives you the nightmare look, "Maybe i'll just get a smaller fridge...".

'I sound like mo– (M/N).' You think before looking away and shrugging.

"950 dollars ."
"I'm negotiating.. I'd usually shoot
for $1,200. It's quite a snag."
"Who says snag?"
"You're annoying, fine."

"If you don't feel satisfied enough, go look for..." The door unlocks and you dash into the house before letting him finish, "other jobs."

'Yeong-Gi..' You dry your face and stare at yourself in the mirror.

You walk out tiredly looking out the window and seeing the sunrise. It was pointless to sleep anyways.

You pop your bad ass BacBook and go to Woogle instantly popping up dozens of searches.

"This guy sucks." You close the laptop before falling back on your bed and drifting into a sleep without noticing.


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