the seventeenth chapter

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"Class is dismissed! Remember to study for the test, ask for help if you don't understand the material." The teacher reminds while students left the class swiftly.

"You sure you don't want to come hang with us Ki? We've decided to just go to the park." The group of classmates asked, approaching the desk while Y/N packed up her things.

"No thanks, I have to study. My grades are way too important to me." She says noticing Shin-Ae already out the door.

"Shin-Ae! Wait!" The boys watched as you ran off to catch up with her as she slurped her juice and continued walking.

"Yes? What?" Shin-Ae asked, disappointed about the morning argument still.

"Do you want to hang out? I'll buy you some food as a plus!" Y/N suggests, "You can't be mad at me right now, I should be mad at you if anything!"

"For what?!" Shin-Ae asked as she held her bag opened and watched as Y/N zipped it up.

"What do you think?!"
"What?? I apologized already.."

"Okay, I guess, I can forgive you— only because unlike Maya, you aren't trying to dodge me." Y/N said, "Still, let's hang—"

"Kiyun! Shin-Ae!" Maya calls from down the hall way, "Wait up!"

"Speak of the devil..." Y/N commented, "I don't even want to look back at her."

"It's only fair that you are angry at her" Shin-Ae remarks, "But Christ, don't go taking out your brass knuckles & beating the shit out of her."

"Oh. Ha. Ha. Hilarious. I'm dying right now." Y/N said continuing to walk, Maya's footsteps growing closer.

"How was class today? Hold up! Stop walking fast." Maya remarked. Y/N balled her fists & turned around.

"What?" The two girls, Rika and Maya, jump at your attitude change, only ever seeing the positive mood you've always had.

"Geez... what's up with you?" Maya ignorantly asked, backing up a little.

"You know my deal, walk off." Y/N said.

"What? Because of that stupid set up? It was a prank, dude, nothing serious." Maya remarked.

"A prank? You know that I'm not comfortable with those two and you didn't respect that at all." Y/N argued back, trying to get in her face, but failing because of Shin-Ae's grip.

"Well fuck! What do you want me to say? I'm sorry! I'm supposed to bow down to you right?" Maya asked.

"No one is saying that you should because of my status! It's basic human principles to have some respect & leaving it be instead of going over and ruining it!" Y/N yelled, "Whatever, I'll drop it. Later Rika."

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