Bloody Mirrors

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Hello my lovely readers! Just a fair warning this chapter does contain descriptions of blood so if you are easily triggered please do not read. Hope you're enjoying so far and continue to read!

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By Friday afternoon I'm ready to leave campus and fall on my face. Once again, the roaring tv never rested last night and neither did I. Walking to the tree that has become my usual lunch spot now, my friends great me with worried looks.

"Hey you okay A?" Jungkook says stuffing a turkey sandwich in his mouth.

"Yeah you look a bit pale." Min rubs my back soothingly as I take my seat between her and Jungkook. The rest of the boys keep making comments that make me more aware of my sickly state. The only one not joining in is Yoongi, who is napping on the tree roots.

"What happened to your wrist?" Jungkook takes my wrist and inspects the bruise that Jimin had left two days ago.

"I don't know? Guess I hit it on something and didn't realize it." I'm really not in the mood to explain the real reason.

"Hmm okay."

I go to look and see what everyone else is doing and I see Namjoon leaning in to whisper something to Jin.

"I swear of he did that, he's dead. He can do as he pleases with other girls, but if he touches her he better run." The anger and venom is laced in his words. Was he talking about Jimin? He didn't mean to bruise me, he was just upset.

We all continued our small talk avoiding anymore topics about my hand. We discussed how the English teacher is a bitch and that's she totally out for me. We'll, almost all of us. Jimin is no where to be seen. He seemed fine yesterday during practice when I went to go check on him. He's probably just playing hooky. Sounds like the Jimin thing to do.

"Anyone seen Jimin today?" Taehyung asks. Apparently I'm not the only one that noticed he's gone.



"Noooope." Were all the responses that are given. I quickly put the thought on the back burner and look up at the pretty blue sky. Or at least the parts that are not covered by tree limbs. Sadly no clouds dance up there today.

With my head feeling heavy, I rest it on Jungkook's shoulder. Here recently we've became really close and good friends. It's also really cute because I know he has a little crush on me.

"You sure you're okay?" Min chirps. I mumble a tired yes and close my eyes. Min's delicate eyes cloud with worry and she feels my forehead with the back of her hand. "Uh, nope. Go to the nurse. You're burning up. Come on. Go."

So I end up going to the nurse after being forced to by Min. When we get to the room the kind old lady takes my temperature and raises her eyebrows. Turns out I have a fever of 101. After trying to tell the nurse I'm okay, she sends me home.

Grabbing my things from my locker, I walk down the hall to the front doors. I'm then thrown uneasy looks from some guys propped up against the wall. I look at them more closely and I recognize them as some of the people Jimin hangs out with. Creeps.

"Ms.Kim." I hesitate to turn around because I know that sour voice all to well. And why out of all the days to have chats in the hall, why today?!

"Yes, Mrs?" Once I'm turned around I'm facing my lovely English teacher.

"Tell that friend of yours', Mr. Park I believe it is?" She looks up at the sky as if she will find her answer there. "Anyways, tell him he's failing my class and if continuing to do so will be a violation of his scholarship." Her over lined red lips turn into a smirk and she adjusts her glasses.

"Have a spectacular day Ms.Kim. Oh, and don't forget that test on Friday." And with that being said she's gone.

The air hits me walking out of the over sized glass doors. I didn't know Jimin was a scholarship student. I thought Jimin did good in his classes? I mean, not excellent but good enough to pass. I should tutor him. No bad idea, that just seems desperate. Am I though? No, nope Ara stop.

As usual I pass by the studio on my way to the apartments. It's nice having something to look forward to everyday. Something to ease the pain. As I pass by I hear music coming from the building. Why this early in the day? I check my phone. Only 12:30 p.m.?

I peak my head in the door way and I'm actually not surprised. Jimin. His beautiful body, sadly is covered up with a tank top and some basketball shorts. As he runs whatever routine he's doing, a pained expression lays on his face. The performance is beautiful as always though.

All of a sudden he goes down on to the floor and stiffens. I start to take a step into the room but stop when I see him get up. Okay he's all good. Yeah, I'm just over reacting. Nothing to worry about. I then turn around to walk out of the room but a booming voice stops me dead in my tracks.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Jimin's full voice roars through out the tiny space and takes over the room in seconds. I turn around and I see Jimin starting to punch the mirrors with full force. Every punch more glass falls and splinters colliding with the ground.

His eyes go black as his body is overcome with rage. The person hitting the mirrors before me is not the one I know. He's the one I was afraid he was. I'm frozen in my spot as he hits harder and harder. Breaking.

Crimson starts to cover the floor drop by drop. Drip, drip, it falls. His hand continues to land each punch tearing the skin from his knuckles. Tears are soon to follow and mix with the blood. Jimin's yelling has become jumbled and I can no longer understand what he's saying. Or more like screaming. The next scream however isn't angry, more of a hurt one though.

My feet start to make their move, and within seconds I'm close to approaching him. No more screams are heard. Only heavy breathing. Unable to find words of my own I reach out my shaking hand and place it on his back. I have yet to see his face and am facing his back side.

Jimin's breathing hitches and his body tenses at the sudden contact. Slow circles are made by my palm rubbing soothingly over his back. Pieces of glass still sparkle on the floor. Some clean, some wet, and some blood stained. Only seconds pass and I finally break the silence.

"Jimin-" My words come out breathy but I'm immediately cut off.

"Go away." His voice is weak and quiet.

"Jimin we-"

"Go. Away. Ara." This time it becomes louder and he shakes my hand off his shoulder. Now's not the time to be stubborn, his hand needs to be looked at.

"You need to have your hand-"

"I don't give a damn about my hand! I said go away!" Jimin whips around and grabs my wrist. My back finds itself connecting with the broken mirrors and my arms are pinned above me. What's gotten into him?!

"Jimin!" I try to wiggle from his grip but it only tightens and the bruise from the other day is on fire.

"Why don't they think I can do it?!" He's yelling in my face and more tears start to fall.

"What's wrong-" My voice comes out shaky and scared.

"They think I'm the disappointment! You know what? Maybe they're right! All the hate, the arguing, the screaming. I can't take it anymore!" The more he yells the more my back becomes pressed against the glass.

"They're the ones who go away for months at a time leaving me! And what do they do when they come home? Hmm? My father tells me how much he hates me wishes that I just go away!"

My head is pounding and feels like it's about to implode. Slowly Jimin's voice fades to empty space and I feel a sharp pain in my back. I'm falling into an empty darkness that seems never ending.

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