New People

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Min's picture above. I'll be getting a picture of Ara soon. Enjoy the new chapter lovelies :3


"You're dismissed." My chemistry professor lets us out of the cage of science and frees us to lunch. I'm walking down the hallway to the cafeteria and students flood the walkways. Before I go to lunch I stop by my locker that I hardly use and drop my bag off.

"Ara!" I turn around to see a sprinting Min hurdling in my direction. Once she gets close enough she acts like she's about to jump on my back.

"Hey Ara, where are you eating lunch?" She asks while we walk to the cafeteria.

"I don't know. Probably just under the stair case and study like usual." I shrug.

She then goes to pull on my shirt and pleads with me.

"Come sit with me and my friends out by the tree." Her smile spreads and she gives me a child like look. "Please?"

"Okay okay, I'll come sit."

Once we get our food we head out to the tree. As we get closer to the huge tree, I see multiple guys chatting and eating.

"Your friends?" I question because I see that we're the only girls. Min just nods her head and continues walking. We get under the shade of the tree and sit down.

"Who's the new girl?" And boy with a box smile and brown hair ask.

"She's cute." One with dark hair and a larger nose blurts out. A blush covers my cheeks.

"Manners? Guys this is Ara. Ara meet Taehyung, Yoongi, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin, Hoesok, and where is that brat?" She seems to be looking for someone.

"Oh Jimin went to the bathroom." Taehyung pipes up.

"Well if that pabo was here I would introduce you." Ming apologies.

"You're fine." I smile.

I look at the other guys and take in their features. Taehyung has brown hair and a box smile. Yoongi's hair is a mint green and he has a look on his face that looks either pissed or he's about to fall asleep. Jungkook, I found out is the maknae and he has darker hair with a little larger nose. Namjoon has the cutest dimples and big cheeks. While Jin and Hoesok both have light brown hair and slim faces.

"There he is." Namjoon says.

"Hey guys. Ara?" Jimin's face turns into a questioning look. He has on a black t-shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans. The shirt makes his already tones muscles stand out even more.

The group sitting under the tree gives us questioning looks.

"You two know each other?" Ming points her finger back and forth between us.

"Yeah." You look up at Jimin who is now taking a seat in the grass next to you.

"Wait how?" Jin asks shoving noodles into his mouth.

"Well, we kinda-" I started to stutter but quickly get saved.

"I help her out with the chemistry homework sometimes." He looks over at me a gives me a small wink.

Thirty minutes goes by way to quickly. During the lunch, Jungkook would not stop flirting with you and continually tried to make his way next to me, but every time he would Jimin would wedge between us. Since I didn't need to go to English today I decide to just head straight to the dance studios on campus.

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