A Little Talk

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A/N: So I finally got out of my stupid writer's block. Thank the powers that be! I thought this chapter would never get published. But on another hand, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS! Each and everyone of you cinnamon rolls are the best and deserve all the love in the world!


Jimin's P.O.V.

I remember after those words that I should have said long ago, I held her tight. One hand came up to caress her once soft hair and the other wrapped around her shrunken waist. I remember resting my head on top of hers and my eyes shut tight. The closer I pulled her to me, I felt how much smaller she had gotten.

Her hip bones stuck out a little more than usual and I could feel how each rib poked my chest. I remember the feeling in my stomach when I walked in the room and it pained me to see how pale her face became. Ara's body was nothing but a tiny clothing rack.

And her body was so cold.

Without even think I blurt out, "I'm sorry." My voice came out as a whisper to Ara, who has buried herself under the blankets and glued to my side. I have my arm draped alongside her torso and she persists to play with my fingers in deep thought. Every time I think about our fight I can't help but apologize for leaving her like that. Leaving her at the mercy of her mother.

I feel the warm sheets ruffle and Ara turns around to get a better look at my worn face. Wrinkles appear oh her forehead when she furrows her brows and tilts her head to the side with confusion. Not wanting to look at her directly I keep my gaze forward at my wall covered in posters. One of colorful sheets being my favorite band, the one that Min-seo took me to go see in concert for my birthday one year. At the time I had thought that she did it out of the kindness of her heart, but after the concert ended I couldn't think of a time when she was off her phone, or listening to the band.

Did she leave me for Jungkook because I was selfish? Did I not take care of her and spoil her like a proper boyfriend should? When she was sick I offered to take care of her, but she always rejected my help and went to some "friends" house to stay. Maybe it was because I was focused on proving to my parents that dancing was the right path for me, and in the process distanced myself to much.

"Jimin, what's wrong?" Ara's sweet voice pulls me from my buried thoughts about the past. Her hand gently touches my chin and directs my eyes to hers. It's doesn't matter how much I see her each day, she's still stunning and always have me in awe. I can't help but stare into those beautiful, fond orbs. Everyday I can see the trust that we once had rebuilding itself into much more. Sometimes things need to be cracked so we have make them stronger.

I shake my head and avert my eyes. She doesn't need all this piled on her, Jimin.

"Nothing, it-it's nothing to worry about." I give her a smile and lean down to pepper childish kisses on her lips and cheeks. This distracts her for a moment with fits of ticklish laughter, but she quickly remembers her question.

"No." Ara's cold hands push on my bare chest slightly and she sits up, propping her self on her elbows. Yellow light from the single lamp in the room outlines her angelic body. The sheets fall down slightly and her long brown hair covers her face a little in a way that makes her look like a kid again. "Talk to me Jimin. Something's been on your mind for the past few days." At her words I sit up to and turn my body facing her. I use my hands to support me weak body, but then just prop up against the headboard; leaning my head back on the hard wood.

"Talk about what?"

"I don't know Jimin, maybe about what happened to you while we weren't talking? Where you fell off the face of the Earth to?" She brings her arms up to cross over her chest. I glimpse over and see small goose bumps beginning to erect on her arms. Reaching over to grab a small throw at the end of the bed, I pick it up and gently wrap it over her shoulders so it drapes on her arms. I give her a small smile and return my hands back to my lap.

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