You Can Relax Now

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*Chris's POV*

  "Chris? Chris, get up." I heard Sin sleepily trying to make me get up, and I had no real desire to. That nightmare I had last night, about the babies being taken and killed, was no fucking fun.

  I realized I could hear one of them crying, so I sprang out of bed and ran into the nursery, to see Electra in her crib, sobbing. I picked her up carefully and checked her diaper. Clean. Thank God.

  I went and sat in one of the two rocking chairs and cradled her against my bare, tattooed chest, trying to calm her. I rocked her slowly, humming as I did so, in an effort to soothe her.

  Jealousy came in then, looking like Cousin It. "Having trouble?" she mumbled, her voice almost entirely consumed by sleep and exhaustion.

  I shook my head, saying, "Just got in here." She nodded, looked over at Azarius, then walked out. Electra was starting to calm, but not quite there, so I sang the only lullaby I know: Jane the Killer's Lullaby.

Hush little baby

Don't say a word

Daddy's gonna catch you

A mockingbird

And if that mockingbird

Won't sing

You don't have to worry

About a thing

For if that mockingbird

Is swift

Daddy's gonna bring you

Another gift

A heart of red

A knife of brass

Daddy sees your gift

Through the looking glass

So sleep my little one

Don't fret

Daddy's gonna bring you

The best gift yet

And if you're lucky

You'll get to see

Daddy never lets

His victim flee

So close your eyes

And keep them shut

He'll go to sleep

But won't



  By the time I was done singing, Electra was almost completely asleep. I stayed rocking her slowly, and heard a shuffling at the door. I looked to see Ghost in the doorway. "Hey man." I whispered, so as not to disturb the baby.

  He nodded, smiling. "You're great with her." He told me, and I beamed, looking down at my beautiful, delicate daughter. "I do my best." I whispered. I felt Ghost's hand rub the back of my shoulder, and I smiled.

  It was a great feeling, it really was. Knowing I had my family and my best friends, who may as well be my family, all around me. I was holding one of the three most precious girls in the world in my arms, and I knew there was nothing I wouldn't do for her.

  Sidra started to make noise as well, so Ghost went over and made sure she was okay. He picked her up from her crib and checked to make sure she was clean, which thankfully she was as well.

  Electra was asleep now, so I carefully put her in her crib, and offered to take Sidra. He smiled and shook his head, sitting in a rocking chair. "I got her, you go get some sleep."

  I whispered a thank you to him, then went back to me and Sin's room. She stirred slightly when I laid down, but didn't awaken. I curled up against her side with my head on her shoulder, and quickly fell asleep.

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