Chapter 16

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My frail body sat leant against the wall in the corner of the hall.
Nobody expected such a brutal death of not only Dallon, but Jack too.
What even happened to them?
Nothing was there, yet they were being brutalised, and eventually killed.
And Marilyn... There's something really scary going on, and honestly I don't want to be here to find out.

Vic was still ignoring me and I understood why, I'm such a mess. The cramps that had attacked my stomach were easing. I had no idea what was wrong with me, but  Gerard had been sending me worried glares for the past hour. I raised my eyebrow at him and he looked away, returning his attention to Frank.

I shrug it off, guessing he was just seeing if I'm okay, which honestly, I'm not.
I keep glancing over at the two dead bodies on the floor in front of me.
I couldn't look at them too long, it was disturbing. Dallon's head was facing me, his eyes wide open. He was just staring at me, his bloodied body curled into itself.

I looked into his eyes for a second only to notice Brendon run over, snapping me out of my thoughts when he moved Dallon's corpse into a hug, as he cried into Dallon's shoulder. I couldn't help but notice Alex, sitting with Jacks corpse too.
I didn't think Alex really liked Jack all that much, but I guess I was wrong. He was bawling. Everyone was.

I felt really upset, there were so many things going on at a time, I couldn't handle it. I was caught up in my own thoughts when suddenly my stomach cramped again, this time worse than before. I clutched my stomach, which had recently, over the past 2 months, been growing wider. I found that strange as I hadn't even eaten anything in like 3 weeks.

Everyone's attention turned to me, I groaned in pain and fell onto my side. Vic immediately ran over to me, kneeling by my side. "Kellin, are you alright?!" His demeanour changed immediately which I found rich coming from him.
I mean I'm kind of glad he cared about me when I got hurt, but I was paranoid that's the only time he cares about me, when I'm in pain.

My stomach hurt so bad. I almost scratched my skin off at how hard I was gripping my stomach, it hurt that bad. Eventually the pain had died down a bit more, it was more numb than anything.

There was still a small blunt pain lingering after about an hour, but it wasn't as bad as earlier. Gerard came over to me, sitting down next to me, asking Vic to leave so he could talk to me in private.

"Hey, can't Vic stay too?" I ask and he shakes his head. I give him a worried look and he shoots one back. "Kellin... Have you and Vic, you know... Done... stuff together?" He asks. My eyes widen at the question. "Uh... Ahem... D-do I have to answer that?" I question back.

He gives me the look and I sigh.
"Fine... Yes..." I answer.
He closes his eyes as if he were thinking of something to say.
"H-how long ago... Did you do it?" He asks again. I give him a weird look and he tried to make it less awkward.
"I'm sorry, there's just something I need to try and figure out. Can you please just answer the question?" He says. I nod.

"I, Uh, I don't know... I think about, like, two or three months ago? I can't remember how long we've been here so I'm going to guess two." Gerard is silent for a second, his chin resting on his hand.
His leg bounced up and down quickly, making me nervous.

"You okay?" I ask, to break the awkward silence between us.
He looks up at me and sighs.
"Kellin... Have you considered you... you may be... pregnant?" He asked.
I laugh but I quickly stop after realising he's being serious.

"Oh, You're actually being serious? I can't be pregnant, Gerard, It's impossible... Isn't it?" I ask. "Kellin, it's a very very rare occurrence but... you could be pregnant. That explains why your stomach keeps hurting, those are cramps, and why it keeps getting bigger." I look at him, completely shocked. I couldn't be pregnant. That isn't humanly possible.
That I know of.

I shake my head in disbelief, I stare down at the floor. "How do I tell Vic? He'll be so angry, he won't talk to me again! He won't want to keep the kid! He won't love me-" I was stopped by Gerard.
"Kellin, you'll be fine! I can go with you if you want... For moral and emotional support!" He says with enthusiasm, which I chuckle at, I hesitate before finally agreeing. "Okay."

We stand up, and walk around to find Vic.
We eventually find him in the main room.
"Vic?" I say. "Can we... Can I talk to you?" I ask looking back at Gerard.
He nods and stands up from where he was sitting with Ashley and Andy. He follows Gerard and I into the second room and we sit down in a small circle, well, more like a triangle since there were only three of us.

"So, Vic, Kellin has something he thinks he needs to share with you." Gerard says after a few brief moments of silence.
I look up at him. "Oh yeah... Right... I want to."  I look back down and take a deep breath, before looking up at Vic.
"Vic... I think... I-I think I may be... Pregnant." I say, my eyes threatening to spill tears.

Vic looks at me with a blank expression for a second. "What?" Is the only thing he says. "I-I think I might be pregnant..." I repeat, as he continues to give me a blank stare. A small smile creeps across his lips, and his face lights up.

"Are you serious?! That's amazing! Oh my god I love you!" He yells, getting up onto his knees and hugs me bone crushingly tight. "You're happy? I thought you were gonna hate me..." I manage to say.
"Kells, Why the fuck would I hate you? This is our fucking kid! That's one of the happiest things to happen in someone's life! Of course I would be happy."

He gives me a toothy smile, hugging me again, but not as tightly this time.
"I mean, I would be happy too, Vic... But I don't want my baby to be born in this place. I don't want to die here and have the baby go with me... It's too dangerous."
His happy expression drops almost instantly. "Oh... True... I didn't think about that... If you do give birth in here, I promise I will protect you and the baby with all my life... Okay?" 

I nod and he kisses me on the forehead.
"I love you... And the kid... I love you both."
He says softly as he kisses my stomach.
I giggle. "We love you too."
Suddenly I hear giggling and swooning from across from us.
I look over and see Gerard, a huge smile on his face. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself! You guys are too cute!"
"Yeah you are." Vic adds and looks at me.
I smile and chuckle lightly.

"God I love you guys."

°°°Hey Guys! Sorry for the late publish I was really lazy and couldn't be bothered posting. But I'm back in business baby! Baibai4now frens!°°°


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