Chaper 3 (Run)

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I met a boy in the woods today. Why didn't he run? Why did he bow? He was not human. I could tell by his blood. Blood from someone tells you everything about a person. Hmmm... Who are you? I started to run home, when I felt a... Presence. I turned around and sniffed the air. Pine needles and cold air. Same smell as before! Its that boy! I turn around, to see the the same boy I bit only a few minutes ago. I growl at him to try to scare him away, but he only comes closer. I howl at the sky to try to warn my clan about the threat, but he started to run twards me. I started to run as fast as my paws would take me. But he was fast, very fast. I just managed to out run him. Where can I hide??! I looked around for any place I could fit in.Haha! a hole! I squeed my body into a small ditch to hide from the boy. Try to find me now! I saw him walk past the hole and run in an oppisite direction. *scoff*, idiot. I started to run back to my clan when the sun set.


"Dangit! I let it get a head of me and now its gone!", I look at the sky. The sun had already set and he only explored one contry! North is going to to be piss-i mean mad. As I started to head back I heard a russle behind me. I hid behind a tree (not that it would do mutch good), hoping what ever it was, would not hurt me. As he peeked around the tree, I was amazed at what I saw. THATS THE NEXT GUARDIAN!! She walked up to me pointing the tip of a katana at my throat."Who are you? And why are you in MY forest??" the wolf girl said. Her voice was sharp, like her katana she was pointing at me."Uhhh... I-I am J-jack frost" I am managed to studder out. She began to push harder on the blade, making my throat start to bleed. Just then a portal opened. And Bunny jumped out his boomerang in hand. "WHERE THE BLOODY HECK HAVE you been..." Bunnys voice had become quiet at the end of the sentence. He looked shocked, first at the girl, then at me. He brung his boomerang back as if to stike her when, her pack formed around her. She lowered the sword from my throat and with one long wolf howl, she vanished into the woods.

how do you like that cliffhanger ^-• ??? thank you for reading this chaper my derpy potatos!! please comment, share, and star this book! Have a wonderful day! And may the gardeners be ever in your favor. (see what I did there ^-^)


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