Chapter 9 (Doubles)

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I drop the steak on the floor and grab my hair in frustration. How does she always escape??! "Uhh.. Guys. We have a BIG problem." I said while franticly searching the room for her. "What happened?" Tooth said. Sandman made counfused gestures and Bunny just looked at me. "She's gone! Again..." My voice became quieter at the end of my statement. Bunny looked annoyed while Tooth and sandman massaged their temples. "I am going to tell North." Bunny said as he was leaving the room. "NO!" I yelled after him. Bunny gave me a angry and perplexed (A/N: I can't spell for shitaki  >-<) look. "No... *clears throat*" I quickly said. "Well why not?!" Bunny asked me. " Somethings wrong with him! I don't trust him. Don't you guys agree that he's acting weird?!" I told them, hoping that they would agree. "Ok. Then how are we going to find her?" Tooth asked. Bunny gave a wide manic smile. As soon as he was going to say something, Sandman got our attention. He made a bunch of symbles ( A/N: told you!) saying that he would fly us to her forest. Bunny gave a small frown and walked to the plane Sandman had made.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~

We arrived at the forest. As soon as we steped off we stared to scour (A/N: ten points to me for using a new word! ^-^) the land. No luck here.Where heck could she be?! I sighed, just thinking of all the possiblilitys of where she could have gone. Too bad, I wish I could see her again, she's so pretty... WAIT WHAT?! JACK WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! I hit myself in the head and and contiue on with the search. We all met up to talk about our hunt, but none of us had any luck. When we went back to searching I saw a dark figure over me. His red eyes flickered like a flame. "W-who are you?" I asked hoping to get a answer. "That's none of your consern... Jack" He said sounding mesgevious. ( A/N: I give up ) Then it was all black.

Hello my derpy potatos! Did you like that chapter? I made it extra long just for you! :) Sorry for the cliffhanger and making this late... Don't forget to comment, star and follow! Have a wonderful (what evertime it is) !!! thanks for reading!


                   ~ Silver

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