Chapter 18 (Betrayed by the Betrayer)

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~deticated to YukiShimizzu~

2 HUNDERED AND 86 VIEWS AND COUNTING!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!! This go's out to all of you followers and readers... *pewdiepies voice from Highschool musical karioke video* I love you...Ahhhh. ITS HARD TO BELIVE, THAT I COULDNT SEE~ (ok maybe now's not the time. But thank you all ^-^)

              ~ Silver


(A/N: Its half way into the meeting)

I scoff. He try to kick me out? Its not my fault I'm enjoying this. "I know you hate the Guardians, but, we are not trying to kill them. *mumbles* This book is rated PG after all..." He said. But I couldn't quite hear the last part. "Then what are we trying to do, Elias Harpishire?" I used his full name to get him PO'd. "Never use my full name!" He yelled at me. I giggled at his flustered face. "You didn't answer my question." I said after I got done laughing. "We where just supose to scare them, you know, just to tell them to back off." He replied to me. I chuckled. "Well, it seems I have the upper hand today." I say to him. "What do you mean?" He said. I could tell by his voice he was worried for the answer.  "The tables are turned my old friend. You are not strong to lead." I knew it would come to this. His mind was weak. He would not be able to withstand the power. I broke into a smile. I walked out of the room, leaving him standing in the middle of the room. ________ would come soon, so I needed to hurry and transfer the power. The power of darkness.


Where the heck could they all have gone?! No yetis or elfs witch was the most confusing thing. Headed back home and sat on the pond, my pond. "Why did you pick her? She's the enemy." No responce as usual. "Jack?" I turn around to see Tooth. "Tooth! Where were you?" "well...

Sorry its so short! I will make another chapter tommorrow! This chapters for my new follower YukiShimizzu! Thank you! Go follow her! Thank you all!
        ~ Silver

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