Chapter 12

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I sat in the library, trying to figure what exactly I am. Nothing could tell me however. Things were dificult. Especially with me being pregnant. How could anyone believe it. Me, Thalia, being pregnant with Loki's child. "How's the baby? And how are you, might I ask?" Loki asked. "The baby's fine and so am I." I replied. Loki put his hand on my stomach. Just then, the baby kicked a few times. "She's becoming restless isn't she?" He asked. "Yes, she is. She keeps me up at night." I replied, earning a chuckle from Loki. The baby then kicked rather harshly. "Now that's not normal." I said as the baby kicked more and more. Loki then took me to the hospital.


I watched as they took our baby girl and went to clean her up. I heard the heart monitor as it slowed. I felt weak. "Thalia?" Loki asked. I looked over at him. He took my hand in his. "Stay with me Thalia, please." He said. I could barely hear his voice as my vision dulled. "Thalia? Thalia please." He said. Things seemed darker. Then a few nurses came in. "We're losing her!" One of them said. I could barely hear them as they rushed aroun everywhere, trying to keep me alive. Then my vision became black and I couldn't breath anymore. I closed my eyes. "We lost her." A nurse said. All I remember was Loki's voice. My hand was now limp in Loki's hand.

(Loki's p.o.v)             (5 years from then)

"When is momma coming back?" Melanie asked. Thalia and I had decided on Melanie for our child's name before she died in the hospital. I knelt down so  I was at her eye level. "Melanie dear, momma's in a better place now. But she can't leave that place." I replied to her question. "Why can't she come and visit us?" She asked, confusion in her bright green eyes. "Because, up there is where she lives now." I told her, motioning to the stars in the sky. "So momma's a star now?" She asked. "Yes Melanie dear." I replied, picking her up. "Let's go home. You tired?" I asked. She nodded sleepily. I promised Thalia that I would look after our child. I'm not going to break that promise. Not ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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