conflict 2

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Virgil P.O.V
I woke up the next morning to the sun in my face. When I look around my room and spot a note on my desk. After few minutes I get up and go see what the note is. To my surprise it's from Roman and he wants to see me in the control room. Oh great can't wait to get more insults. I take my time putting on in My Chemical Romance hoodie and a pair of ripped up jeans. Since I ended up falling asleep in  my My Chemical Romance shirt, and don't want to where the same thing as yesterday yet another thing Roman can make fun of me for. I end up walking out of my room and down to control room. When I got to the control room I saw a Roman sitting on the couch watching a Disney movie on the TV. I sit down and ask him what the note was all about. He pauses the movie and explains that he was sorry for making fun of me, he said that he felt like he took it a little too far. I was surprised that he said that after all the times he's made fun of me before why this time did he apologize. The first thing that comes to my mind is that he probably pities me, he probably wants me to put my guard down or something. I say thanks for apologizing I guess with a hint of anger in my voice because I know he didn't mean it. And then I walked back up to my room put on a My Chemical Romance CD and let my thoughts take over.

Roman P.O.V
I saw the Virgil coming down the stairs, he ended up sleeping for like 4 hours. None the last time wanted to talk to him, I explained to him that I was sorry and that in the video I have taken things a little too far. But of course knowing Virgil of course he didn't believe a word I said, I could tell by the hint of anger in his voice. Then he walked back up to his room. Leaving me on the couch. I felt so bad that I really didn't know what to do. I return to watching The Lion King I thought it must not have been affected Virgil too much.

2 week later

Virgil P.O.V
Thomas had just summoned all of us he was wondering if he should go to a party or not. And this time Roman have taken things too far. I was just telling Thomas that he shouldn't go cuz he doesn't know what's going to happen. And then Roman starts yelling at me, about how negative I am all the time. And of course I can't help it because I am the embodiment of anxiety. But before I could say anything else Roman says. You know he be better off if you didn't even exist. Everyone went silent I turned away and went back to my room. I knew what he said was true. I just didn't think anyone would actually ever say that to me. Romans words  just kept echoing in my head. My breathing started to get erratic and I knew it was a panic attack. So I just cried in to a pillow. I ended up passing out from lack of oxygen.

Romans P.O.V
Thomas had just summoned us he needed some advice on if you should go to a party or not. And I told him he should go he needed to get out more anyway. But then Virgil cut in and said that he shouldn't go said too many bad things could happen said to many bad things could happen. And I could see Thomas starting to think that he shouldn't. So I did the only thing the I thought I could do. I yelled at Virgil I told him that it would be better if he didn't exist. Instantly the room went quiet and then I realized what I had said, but by that time It had already been too late Virgil had went back to his room. I instantly got bad feelings, and I sunk down and started going towards his room. When Patton and grab my arm, he told me I should probably give him a space considering I just yelled at him and that might not be the best idea. He told me we should just let Virgil come out of his room on his own. I reluctantly agreed. We all sent down and went back to our rooms.

Hello there reader I hope you like it so far it going to start get sad soon so hope your ready.

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