Why 5

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Trigger warning

Roman P.O.V
I saw Virgil door shut so I knew his awake. I was so happy but also wanted to know why he would such a horrible thing. But I went to get the other sides to tell them.

Virgil P.O.V
I was so scared they know what happened. They going to tell me I'm stupid  for doing what I did. There going to think I'm a freak,freak,FREAK, the voice get louder you can't do anything right not even die. Then there a knock at my door.

Patton P.O.V
I woke up with Roman shaking me. He have a small smile on his face. He told Virgil was up. Then we both went to get Logan.

Logan P.O.V
I was awoke by Patton and gently shaking me. With a giant smile plastered on his face he told me that Virgil was awake. So we all went to Virgil's room to see him.

Roman P.O.V
Me,Patton and Logan are all standing outside Virgil door we did know if we should knock or leave him alone some till morning. I decided to knock on the door. I ask if we could come in he slowly opened the door looking at the floor. As soon as the door was open all the way Patton immediately hugged Virgil. We heard Patton crying  and a minute later he let go of Virgil. We all walked inside Virgil's room. Patton and Virgil sat on his bed and me and Logan sitting in the chairs. For the first time in a while I got a good look at Virgil, his eyes were grayish looking and they looked lifeless, his hair was more purple color to it then mine, and more recently he had a red ring around his neck from what had happened. He look so unhappy. I was the first one to speak, and I said I have one question. Patton, Logan and Virgil all look at me and I said why?

Virgil P.O.V
I had slowly opened my door when my door was fully open Patton jump to hugs me. I was taken back in shock and then I heard him start to cry. I felt my heart drop after about a minute he let go. They all walked into my bedroom we all set down. I noticed Roman looking at me and I saw him looking at my neck and then he said I have a question,I already knew what it was , but we all looked at him and he said Why?

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