I'm back old friend 8

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Trigger warning
Self harm
And cussing
AND all around sad😭

Virgil P.O.V
It had been a week since Roman told me about his self harm. I was still shock that Roman had done that,but his been nicer to me if he see me he say hi or hello. I'm going to try to get to Roman better.

Roman P.O.V
It been a week since I told Virgil about my self harm. I can't believe I told him I really don't like thinking about it but,if it for Virgil it would be worth it. I have made an effort to greet him in the hallway whenever I see him.

Later that day

Roman- hello Virgil

Virgil- hey princey,can we talk please.

Roman- Oh yeah sure.

We both walk to Roman room

Roman- is everything okay?

Virgil- yeah, I just wanted to hang out with you.

Roman- ok! want to watch a Disney movie with me you can pick?

Virgil- yeah ok!!

Roman- Mulan? I didn't know you were liked Mulan.

Virgil- there's a lot of things you don't know about me.

Roman P.O.V
During the movie Virgil put he's head on my shoulder. Inside I was freaking out he looked so cute.

Virgil P.O.V
During the movie I put my head on Princey shoulder. I was tried so... Plus he looked so cute. What I'm I think I think Roman is cute! Ok this is new but he looks so cute.

Third person P.O.V
During the movie both of them had ended up falling asleep in Romans room. They ended up cuddling each other in their sleep. Both of them ended up sleeping peacefully that night.

Virgil P.O.V
I woke up in Roman room,and he had his arm around me I end up freaking out and pushed Roman off the bed.

Roman P.O.V
I woke up being pushed off my bed and on the floor.

Roman- Ow

Virgil- I'm sorry I freaked I'm sorry are you Ok?

Roman- yeah I just hit my leg on the bed but I'm ok. ( I give Virgil a small smile)we should probably get dressed. So the other don't worry.

Virgil- yeah

(Virgil walked back to he's room leaving me alone to get dressed )

Roman P.O.V
I walked in to my bathroom to take a shower. And as I was in the shower I heard a familiar voice. Did you miss me Prince Charming. There one person how called me prince charming Depression.

Roman-what the hell

Depression- yeah it me how have you been friend?

Roman- we are not friend and none of your business.

Depression- look like you got your confidence back. Look like I got some work to do.

Roman- what does that mean?

Depression-well if I told you it would be no fun now would it.

Roman- I fucking hate you!

Depression- really you hate me look at your arm I don't think you really hate me more like you hate your self. See you're even talking to yourself idiot.

Roman- go away

Depression- bye-bye for now I'll be back soon.

Roman P.O.V
Roman got out of the shower got dressed and sit on he's bed contemplating what just happened. Depression was back but not in the physical presence. Depression was in he's head and he was scared.

2 hours later

Virgil P.O.V
Roman still has not came out of his room. I was starting to wonder if I did something wrong or hurt him when I pushed him out of the bed. I decided to go check on him to make sure his ok I got to he's door and knock

Virgil- Roman you ok in there


Virgil- Roman?

Roman- .....

Virgil- I'm coming in

Virgil P.O.V
Roman was sitting at his desk. Drawing Rapunzel and Eugene from Tangled. I tap him on the shoulder and he jumped.

Roman- Oh my Virgil you scared me!

Virgil- Oh sorry I knocked a couple times in your door and you didn't answer.

Roman- yeah sorry I tend to zone out when I'm drawing.

Virgil- Oh Ok well you want to go down stairs and play a board game we could probably get Patton to play too.

Roman- yeah sure why not seems like it'd be fun!

Virgil- well come on then.

Hi guy I hope you like this chapter and quick note right now Roman is the only one how can here Depression . Just to clarify.

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