Good bye 3

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Trigger warning 😭😭
Suicide attempt
Mentions of self harm
And all around sad

Virgil P.O.V
I got up I still have tears run down my face so I must not been out that long. I was just want to die at this point, no one want me here no one to live for my life is hell with Roman making funny of me all the time. I roll up my sleeves up of my hoodie to look at my arm covered in marks. I roll me sleeves back down. It to sad to think all the time I felt like I went good enough. All the hurtful things Roman says. Then something catches my eye it a rope in my closet. I grab the rope and then 4 pieces of paper and wrote a note for all the side and Thomas. I'm so sorry....

Romans P.O.V
It's been an hour and the guilt is just eating me up inside. I need to go see Virgil I need to apologize. I tell Patton and I'm going to my room, it was a lie but I really needed to talk to Virgil. I knock on the door and get no response. I checked the door it's locked but I know tricks to unlock doors with a credit card. So I knock on the door and tell him I'm coming in. What I find scares me to death. Virgil hanging from a rope. immediately I start crying, and scream for Logan and Patton. I run over to Virgil and untie the Rope. He looks paler than usual, but me and Logan check for a pulse it's weak but it's there. When I turn around see Patton in the doorway, Patton is bawling his eyes out and Logan had shed a few tears himself. I couldn't handle it Virgil most likely had done this because of me, because I told him it would be better if he didn't exist.

Patton P.O.V
I hear Roman scream for me and Logan. So me and Logan get up and go to Virgil's room. We see Roman untying Virgil from a rope,and my heart just dropped. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, my vision gets blurry with tears welling up in my eyes. All I could think was it was my fault that he did this, I should have been there for him more. I look over at Virgil's desk with 4 envelopes placed on it. I walk over and grab the one labeled Patton aka Dad.

Patton note

Dear patton
If your reading this then I'm gone and there noting you could do to have made my happy, you where like a dad to me. Well since I'm gone you don't have to put up that act anymore,to act like you're happy to see me. Now you can focus on more important things,and with in a month you'll forget about me because I was never that important. I'm sorry.
Sincerely you're strange Dark son

Still Patton P.O.V
Omg Virgil I'm so so so sorry.

Logan P.O.V
When me and patton and I got Virgil's room I was so shocked. I couldn't believe what I had saw. Virgil looks so pale. Immediately after he got down and placed on his bed, me and Roman started looking for a pulse. Luckily Roman found one ,it was weak but it was there. I looked over and saw Patton and reading a letter, my heart dropped because right after he got finished reading he started crying again. I went over to him and tried to comfort him with a hug. I told him that Virgil was still alive. His sobs seem to slow down a little.

Hope you like it so sorry for the sad chapter but I'll update soon 😢 😭

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