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"chaeyoung, jihyo, and jeongyeon want to visit shin delia," mina said. "these are her friends?" the front desk lady asked. "yes," mina answered. "alright, they can see her," the front desk lady said.

mina took her friends to delia's room. delia was on the bed, snuggled up to the plushie mina had bought for her.

"hey guys, i haven't seen you in a while," delia said, smiling at them. "i know, we wanted to visit you," jihyo said. "mina told us and we want to see you before.......ya know...." chaeyoung said. "i know," delia said. "thank you for being here. it means a lot."

jeongyeon doesn't say anything, she only hugs delia, sobbing on her. the action makes everyone cry.

"i-i'm s-so sor-sorry, delia!" jeongyeon cried. "i'm so sorry i-it had to be you!" delia rubbed jeongyeon's back as she cried. "it's okay," delia whispered. "i'm just hope you won't go through the same thing i did and go here, too."

"de-delia unnie, you'll still watch over us?" chaeyoung asked. delia sadly smiles at the younger girl and nods.

jeongyeon stopped hugging delia and stands up to the others. her eyes are still flooded in tears and her cheeks are wet.

"i'm glad i get to see you guys before i go," delia smiled. it was fake but her words were sincere. "especially my girlfriend, mina."

mina hugged delia, silently crying as the other girls exit the room.

"mina, don't cry," delia said, playing with her girlfriend's hair. "i promise, i'm not really gone." "i want to—see you everyday in real life—not through the pictures—that will haunt me my entire life," mina sobbed. "my heart belongs to you. if you're gone, my heart cries."

"my heart belongs to you, too," delia said. "don't let it go."

"because, the saddest tears don't fall from your eyes, they fall from your heart and cover your soul."

Tears ||Myoui Mina||Where stories live. Discover now