I Haven't Talked To Him Since

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I shut the door of the car and I stand there waiting for Garrett to open his house door. When he opens the door he signals his eyes towards me and smiles lightly. I walk through the door and I sit down on the couch. Garrett follows me to the couch and he reaches in for a hug. I take it.
"Garrett, can we get Taco Bell?" I ask with a small giggle. Without him saying a word he quickly calls the number. He knows me so well that he knows what I want so he didn't even ask me. When that thought crossed my head, so did another one. I had realized that Garrett was my closest friend I have ever had. I am such a lucky person to have him in my life. I stop day-dreaming when Garret asks me a question, "Do you want to talk now?"
"No...I can't." I say with sadness.
"Shane. I know when your lying." Garrett says with a straight face.
"Ok fine, so he was a little drunk and I know he was. Ryland wanted to get the surrogate now. He also wanted my body but I said no. He then told me I am not committing." I say as I suddenly started to cry. Garrett tries to comfort me by wrapping his arms around me. I look at Garrett and a moment passes of us staring each other in the eyes. The room is completely silent but then Garrett breaks the moment when he fixes his glasses.
"Do you know how long your gonna stay here?" Garrett asks.
"No, not really, I thought maybe about a week. Are you ok with that?" I ask.
"Ya, no problem if you don't mind taking the couch," Garrett says with a huge lit up grin on his face.
"Thanks, Garrett this means a lot," I say as blush comes across my face.
Soon we hear a knock on the door and Garrett grabs the Taco Bell and puts it on the table. He pops open a bottle of wine and serves it to each of us. As we eat, we also talk about life and a sensitive topic comes up.
"So what guy do you have wrapped up in your arms right now?" I ask.
"Well, I don't have one right now. I just lost him." Garrett says with sorrow as he has a sip of wine.
"What happened?" I ask with sorrow and curiosity.
Garrett lets out a sigh and explains, "Well, the same thing that happened to you. I was told that I was a useless rock in our relationship and he left me. I haven't been looking or trying ever since." His face was a total trainwreck. He quickly got over it though.
"Garrett I am so sorry!" I say with true meaning.
"At least I can hang out with my best friend for a while," Garrett says with a grin.
"Thanks, Garrett, you are helping a lot." I drunkenly say. Garrett isn't drunk at all, he had only a few sips but I drank three glasses. I give him a hug with my wine in hand and it spills all over Garretts' shirt. He gasps and gets up. He quickly rummaged through clothes and took his shirt off. That moment paused in my brain. He wasn't fat, he wasn't gross, he was gorgeous. He was muscular and fit.
"GARRETT!" I yell with excitement.
"What?" He asks with fear.
"You're so fit! Have you been working out? How long have you been like this?" I ask with a need to know. He looks at his chest and then buttons his shirt. His face turns grim and he cleans up the Taco Bell on the table.
"Garrett, you shouldn't be ashamed of your body. You are absolutely handsome." I say as I grab his arm and look him in the eyes.
He looks at me and then sighs.
"I started to get fit for my boyfriend but then he still couldn't accept me for who I am. I committed I just was busy all the time.
He told me that I wouldn't listen to him and that we should break up. I haven't talked to him since." His face was down and he walks into the kitchen. I felt a little betrayed then sad.
"Garrett, I am so sorry for y-"
"Just head to bed maybe we will talk in the morning." Garrett interrupts as he walks towards his room and shuts the door on me. That guy really changed him. I didn't think he would actually have someone. He doesn't follow through with most relationships. I can't just tell him to not be sad about or to get over it. I don't know what to do.

Mixed Emotions ((A Sharrett fanfiction)) By:CringyCrankiplierWhere stories live. Discover now