Chapter Seven

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B r o u g h t b a c k t o l i f e
WARNING: This chapter is longer than the others and be wary of a tiny bit of language

Location: Jericho
Time: 9:50 am
Day: June 12th, 2042

"You're wrong."
"No I'm not. I'm right."
"You're wrong."
"No I'm-"
"Carl! Willow! Stop it!" North voice rang through both of their ears, making them both snap their heads towards their mother.
"Sorry, Mom." Carl said. North sighed, turning back around to talk to Simon and Josh.
"But can you tell Willow I'm right?" Carl stated quickly.
"Argh! I swear I'm gonna strangle you!!" Willow said going for his neck, making their arguing start up again.
"Hey! NOT TODAY!" North snapped, turning back around and getting their attention. They stopped fighting and Willow slouches further on the wall.

"Hey, Ottavia, am I right? That the answer to the Sphinx's riddle?" Willow asked as Ottavia passed with some papers in her hand. She looked over her papers while pondering the question, knowing that they were arguing over: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three legs in the evening?
"The answer is man. Your brother's correct Willow."
"Ugh come on! Why do you always get it?" Ottavia chuckled at Willow's frustration.
"You're going up against an android. A being made to do anything we can't. Don't worry, have faith. You'll beat him someday." Ottavia said with a small smile and a wink.
"But he's a sentient and she's a human be-"
"Shh! She doesn't need to know that!" Ottavia said through gritted teeth to her frenemy, Lexi. Lexi simply shrugged.

"It's not enough? But how, there was a lot of blue blood at the mansion!" Crystal's voice rang out into the ship.
She was talking to Markus. He appreciated the blue blood, but there wasn't enough.
"Then where would we get more?" North pondered, heading their conversation.
"I... I don't know." Markus admitted, as Violet came into the room, unaware of their conversation, instead speaking to Ottavia and Lexi.

"You two are here early." Violet commented as the two nodded.
"We're trying to figure out where he is. Connor's looking down at the station too." Ottavia explained.
"On a Saturday." The two woman nodded.
"That reminds me, I need to speak with someone, and I want you to come with me." Lexi comments, and Violet shrugs deciding to go with as there was nothing else to do. Kara and Markus offered to go as well, and contacted Connor to come, as he reported that he couldn't find anything worth investigating (he was also alone at the station).
"Ok. I don't mind you all coming with me." Lexi said, before leaving the ship.

Location: Sal's Pub
Time: 10:10 am

Lexi, Violet, Markus, Kara and Connor all arrived, looking up at the wooden bar with the glitching neon sign.
"Are you sure we're ok to go?" Violet asked emphasizing "we're" referring to her, Markus, Kara and Connor, as they were androids. You'd think that bars would be ok with androids by now, but you'd be wrong. Very few accepted androids as they considered them "too life like" and "creepy" (but really, they were made to suit your needs and look like you. Geez, I'm critiquing my own story's flaws😂). Lexi chuckled amused.
"Androids are allowed here. That's why I allowed you four to come along, ya dummy! Geez, for such an advanced machine, you are d-"
"Don't. Start." Violet warned through gritted. Lexi simply shrugged.
"I know you better than that. What's the other reason we're here?" Violet asked again, thinking about all the horrible reasons Lexi brought them here.
"Well, I could use the company. It gets pretty only in that big ol' house of mine. You might give me some inspiration." Lexi replied with wry smile and a wink, meaning that she was probably joking about the "inspiration" part... or was she?
"Great. Just like our creator. You two would be a good match." Violet muttered, referring to Elijah Kamski.
"Ha! Nah, he's got too big of an ego for me. Besides, I don't like to stay by myself all day painting. I guess that's why I paint Androids?" Lexi explained with a shrug.
"But anyway, enough of this waiting around. Are we going to go inside, or not?" Lexi accidentally spat impatiently. And then they finally went in. Lexi looked around to find the man she was looking for and her eyes lit up when she found the bartender, TJ, who had brown hair, peachy skin and green eyes.
"TJ!" Lexi called out and he smiled at her.
"Hey! Come back for my offer?" TJ asked with a wink.
"In your dreams, bozo!" Lexi replied, playfully glaring at him.
"Well, would you like a drink?" TJ offered, meant as another joke, as Lexi glared at him, more serious this time.
"You know me. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or have sex." Lexi stated bluntly.
"Yeah. But with those tattoos no one would think that." TJ commented pointing to the tattoos on her arms. Lexi simply shrugged.
"Let them believe what they want to believe. If they don't know that I'm a Lesbian, Ace, and instead think I'm a straight girl who smokes then so be it."
"But anyway, I want you to meet some friends of mine. This is Violet, you know her from what I've told you, Markus, the Android leader, Connor and Kara."
"Nice to meet you all." TJ replies politely.
"So... what can I do for you, Lex?"
"I need those 'packages' we talked about." Lexi replied vaguely while coughing to not be heard. TJ eyes showed calm realization, and as he began to discuss with Lexi how much she wanted, some anti-android men decided to pick on Violet, Markus, Connor and Kara. TJ then interrupted himself.
"Oi! If you don't like 'em then you can leave." TJ growled menacingly.
"Yeah you heard him-"
"I was talking about all of you!" TJ interrupted, glaring at the six men with bulging muscles.
"Oh yeah? And what would happen if we don't leave, huh? If we touch your precious girlfriend?" One of the men, who the androids assumed was the leader, spat getting very close to Lexi.
"She's not my girlfriend." TJ mumbled, clearly offended by the statement.
"Don't worry, I can take care of myself. Now leave my friends alone." Lexi warned glaring at the men.
"Oh yeah? Watcha gonna do about- AHH!!!" The leader was immediately flipped to the ground by Lexi, who stood leaning up against the bar confidently with a smirk.
"Oh sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheart, you're not even close to my level!" Lexi spat with a mock pout as the man began to crawl away from her.
"What are you fools waiting for? Scram!" Lexi spat at the other five men who left in a hurry with their beaten friend. Lexi sighed dramatically and turned back to TJ.
"So, do you have them or not?" She spat impatiently, slamming her open palms on the bar's wooden counter. TJ smiled.
"Uh huh. How much do you want?"
"That's up to him to decide." Lexi said gesturing to Markus. TJ nodded, glancing at Markus quickly, before going to the back.
"So, what exactly am I deciding on?" Markus questioned.
"You'll see." Lexi replied with a smirk.
"Can we just talk about what just happened?" Violet asked turning to her fellow androids.
"Yeah. That was... remarkable." Kara commented.
"How were you able to defeat him? He was twice your size." Connor inquired. Lexi shrugged.
"Appearance's can be deceiving," Lexi said with a gleam in her eyes, "but honestly, I don't know how I did it." Lexi admitted as TJ came back with a giant box.
"What is that?" Violet questioned.
"Blue blood. Lots and lots of blue blood!" Lexi states triumphantly.
"This is amazing. We've been needing more." Markus commented staring at the box. Lexi smiled sheepishly.
"I know. I thought I'd repay you for keeping my two girls safe and allowing me to help with the case." Lexi explained with a kind smile.
"So, how much do you want?" TJ asked getting down to business, letting Markus decide on how much he wanted/needed.
"How did you get this blue blood?" Kara inquired, outlining the box with her fingers, as Connor stared at the box, supposedly scanning it.
"Well... technically before the Revolution, I worked at Cyberlife, sort of. Pretty sure I only got the job because of my dad. But I also worked part time at this bar, which use to be owned by my uncle, and now... it's all mine." TJ stated triumphantly as he tapped his fingers on the bar counter.
"I'll take the entire thing." Markus announced coming back over to the counter. TJ smiled.
"Great. Because I have no use for it anymore." He replied in a joking manner. Lexi thanked him and they left the bar to go back to Jericho. Connor, Kara and Markus were up ahead as Lexi and Violet stayed a few feet behind.
"So, did you and TJ, y'know have-"
"Don't. Start." Lexi sing singed, echoing Violet's warning from earlier as they continued to walk back to the ship.

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