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We had all been sent to a room under the place where we'd be fighting, Bete Noire had been restrained as she had tried to kill multiple people already. There was a lime green guy in front of all 24 of us. They were telling us about all of the rules for the games.

"You will not be able to attack each other until five minutes time has passed. Inside the dome you will be fighting will be a small area where weapons are. These weapons can be used to help you, or hinder your opponents. If you see a weapon that you believe is useless, think again because it might be vital for someone else." The lime green guy briefed us.

I didn't need any of this stuff he was talking about, I have the power of my soul of justice. That was enough to keep my confidence high, but my barricades higher.

"When one of you are to fall and die in battle, a canon will be sounded to notify all of you of their passing." The lime green guy continued.

"How about we just get this started." Bete Noire sneered from the back of the room. The lime green guy ignored her noticeably. Bete Noire also noticed. I didn't know exactly how they could restrain a being like it.

"When you walk into this room, you will be put into a capsule, there are 24, one for each of you, do not resist as we all know what will happen." The lime green guy looked right at Bete Noire.



I walked into the room that they informed us to go into, I kept close to Hilda. I didn't want to leave her, I was scared to. She had protected me so far, now who would. I walked into the capsule, all the other 23 competitors did as well. Hilda waved at me, I could tell that even she was nervous.

"What have I gotten myself into." I thought to myself, I wondered if Cuphead was thinking about me, worried if I was okay. That's when the capsules started to move. They started to shift upwards. I was starting to get more and more scared by the second. I saw a light open up above us, and then my world was filled with light.

"This isn't... so bad." I said aloud quietly. As I went up I was on ground now, I could see the other 23 competitors with me, still in their capsules.

"Alright contestants, on the count of three you will be released from your capsules and be able to move about the map. In the center of you all, there are multiple items that you can grab to advance yourself or hinder your opponents. Remember that something that may seem useless to you could be vital to someone else. Also remember that there is no fighting for five minutes, no exceptions." The loudspeaker above us said.

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