✨ (7)

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⚠️chapter might be short⚠️

I opened the door and saw Malu standing with a big smile.

Malu - heyy

Nihalyn - Hey whatsup?!

Malu - So im moving back in!!

Nihalyn - Oh my gosh really?!

Malu - Yes!

I was so excited to have a best friend back in the house. I gave her a big hug squeezing her tightly. I let her in and she packed in her stuff in her old room. I shut the door and went back upstairs to my room.
X was on his phone being quiet.

Nihalyn - Babe

He had no reply.

I mumbled "fuck you" and he stared at me. I went out the room and went into Malu's room.

Nihalyn - Malu

Malu - Yes?

Nihalyn - (i whispered) Jahsehs being a bitch

Malu - Damn how?

Nihalyn - He ignored me and then I mumbled somthing and now he wanna look.

Malu - Damn well sleep with me tonight we would stay up all night long.

Nihalyn - Okay thanks

Malu - Yeah girl your welcome.

I went out her room and took Neovany out his crib. I took him to the living room and sat with him playing with his light up ball.
Gazzy came out and he sat next to me. He was playing with Neovany.

Gazzy - Aye when you gon let me babysit him

Nihalyn - When yo ass can handle a child without showing him naked girls on yo phone

Gazzy - Aye my bad he asked to see it

I smacked his head.

Gazzy - Damn my bad bab- I meant Nihalyn

Nihalyn - You bout called me baby

Gazzy - Damn yeah my bad

I sat Neovany back in his crib and I went back downstairs and went to get a cup for water.
Gazzy followed me and he grabbed my butt.
I turn around and place my hand on his dreads
He went in to give me a hickey. I placed my hand my head while he kept sucking.
X came down and saw me and Gazzy. He ran up to is and pushed Gazzy of me. He grabbed me by my hair and took me to the room.

X - What the fuck Nihalyn?!

I stood quiet and X pushed my head to the side to see the hickeys Gazzy gave me.

X - Were married and you let him do this?!



He rubbed his hands on my boobs and went up to my neck choking me.
He whispered in my ear "You will get a punishment"
He let go of my neck and pushed me to the bed handcuffing me. He took my pants and panties off and he took his pants and boxers off. He slid on a condom and he went to the bed. He kissed me and I denied it. While he was trying to kiss me he smacked my thigh to accept it. I finally accepted it and we kissed for a while. While we were kissing he slid into me without me knowing. He thrusted into me hard and fast. I was moaning loud and he took his hand and covered my mouth making the moans quiet. (We both cummed to)
After awhile of thrusting and pounding into me he slid out of me and took the condom off. He uncuffed me and he layed down. He demanded me to suck on his dick. I crawled to him and sucked his dick. He was bobbing my head up and down with his hand.
He was groaning with pleasure. He also choked me and he was happy about it. He yanked my head off making me fall off the bed. I put my underwear and pants back on and so did X. I was sitting on the floor with tears coming out my eyes. X came over to me and picked me up slamming me into the wall.
He shovoed his lips on my boobs sucking them aswell as my neck. He pulled away and winked at me. We both walked out the room and be smacked my ass making my cheek feel the tingly sensation.
I walk downstairs back to Gazzy.

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