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X's p/o/v
I woke up and Nihalyn was next to me. I love her. She has the perfect body, perfect voice, perfect everything. I wanted her to wake up so I rubbed her butt. She didnt wake up so then I rubbed her clit.
Her eyes opened and she smiled. I pulled my hand away and I kissed her. I got up and went in the shower.

Nihalyn's p/o/v
X was taking a shower and I went on my phone.
I was playing a game till someone texted me.

Kim K 🍑🧡:
I have a gender reveal today can you come?

Me :
Of course! Do you only want me and Jahseh?

NKim K🍑🧡:
Yes please.

Me :
Okay 👌🏼 what time?

Kim K🍑🧡:
Come around 12:00??

Me :
Yeah. See you there ❤️

Kim K 🍑🧡:
Thank you ❤️

I checked the time and it was 11:21
I got up and I picked out an outfit.
I picked out a light pink shirt, baby blue ripped jeans, and my pink vans.
I waited for X to come out. Meanwhile, he was still showering I went downstairs and ate some grapes. I heard the bathroom door open and I went back upstairs. He was out.

Nihalyn - Kim wants us to go to her gender reveal

X - What time?

Nihalyn - twelve..

X - Damn. She fucking annoying. Always wanting us to go somewhere

^He mumbled.

I giggled and I grabbed my clothes. I locked the bathroom door and turned the hot water on. I undressed myself and I went in. I washed my hair first and then I washed my body using a vanilla scented body wash. When I was done I went out and dried. I put my clothes on and I blow dried my hair. I checked the time and it was 11:54
I went to the room and X was sitting on the bed playing with his blue dread.
I went to Malu's room and I told her to watch the kids. I went back to my room amd I sat down on X's lap. I rubbed his thigh and I kissed his cheek.

X - Ready?

Nihalyn - Yes

We got up and I grabbed my keys. We went out. I started the car and I drove to Kim's house. On the
drive to her house X started talking bout the kid I wanted.

X - So about the kid you wanted....

Nihalyn - Yeah what about it?

X - I would give you it

Nihalyn - What?

X - We can try some day and you could have your child

I smiled.
When we got to Kim's house I knocked on the door and she opened it.

Kim - Omg hey Nihalyn!!

Nihalyn - Hey!!

She shook both of our hands and we went inside.
There was alot of people such as her sisters, her mom, 6ix9ine, Scott Disick, Black Chyna, Chris Brown, and many more. Her house was empty. But it was packed in th backyard. The split second we stepped out in the back yard, everyone was screaming. I guess thats a good thing.
Me and X took a seat and we ate some cake pops.
I caught Chris staring at me. He smiled at me and I smiled back. It was the time Kim annouced her baby's gender. I saw her baby bump and it reminded me of when I had Neovany, and Nailah.
Everyone sat and there was a big box with the label "boy or girl?"
I voted for a girl and X voted for a boy.

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