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Song/Sad!/xxxtentacion LLJ💕

I woke up and I felt kinda weird...
I sat up and I looked down on the bed sheets. There was blood...I dont know what this means but- wait! Did I just have a miscarriage?!!?
I grabbed my phone quicker than lightning and called Malu.

Malu - "Girl why you callin me at 7:20 in the morning?"

Nihalyn - "Come to my room fast!"

I hung up and I saw her busting through the door.

Malu - Whats wrong?!?

Nihalyn - Theres blood on the bed sheets!

Malu - Theres what? *looks at sheets* Shit! N-Nihalyn...you lost your baby!

I busted down crying. I just lost Nikki.

I called Jahseh which I knew he'd be awake at this time.


He picks up.

He sees me in tears.

X - "Nihalyn baby I miss you too dont cry because of that"

Nihalyn - "Its not that Jahseh, I-I dont know h-how to say this"

X - "What happend over there Nihalyn?!"

Nihalyn - "I-I have a miscarriage!"

X - "What do you mean?"

Nihalyn - "Jahseh! Nikki is dead! We lost her!"

When I looked on the phone screen this was his face.

When I looked on the phone screen this was his face

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X - "Fuck"

X - "Ima delay my tour" "Im coming back to Florida"

He hangs up and I stand up.

Malu - I will wash your sheets

Nihalyn - Thank you

I dial my doctor/obgyn.

Doctor - Hello

Nihalyn - Hi this is Nihalyn Onfroy and I called because I just had a miscarriage this morning...

Doctor - Oh....Come by and we will check you

Nihalyn - Okay

I hung up. I went to the bathroom and peed. I wasnt on my period which is good because I hate being on my cycles. I turned the water on and took a shower.

Malu's p/o/v

I honestly feel terrible for Nihalyn. She wanted and third child really badly, but her chances are gone. I already put her bed sheets to wash and its in the washing machine right now. I went to my room since Gazzy was in there. He never be in his room anymore. Only mine. Just because the fact we have sex almost everynight.
I lightly shaked him and he woke up.

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