Soulmate AU Part 2 (Gohan x Artist!Reader)

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This is a second part to the soulmate Gohan oneshot from my old collection. This was a request, but I can't remember who requested it (sorry).

         You're slightly lightheaded as you stand in front of the cute home. You can faintly smell some sort of meal being cooked, as well as freshly cleaned laundry. Soon the door to the home opens, revealing your boyfriend (and soulmate) Gohan. The male grins as he jogs in front of you and wraps his arms around your torso.

         "Glad to see you, (Y\N)," he mumbles, which brings a small blush to your face. "Mom's been cooking all afternoon... She's really excited to meet you!" Today, after dating Gohan for several months, is the first time you'll be meeting his family and friends.

         "So how many people are going to be here?" Gohan chuckles before grabbing your non-dominant hand. He raises your arm an inspects your work, the same artwork that is copied on his arm, and raises a brow.

         "You're nervous, aren't you? You only color this much when you're trying to keep busy." He already knows you too well...

         "Gohan?" a voice calls, which makes the two of you jump and separate. In the doorway is a woman with dark hair and dark eyes. As she dries her hands on her apron she looks between you two. "You must be (Y\N)!" she gasps as she walks over.

         "Y-Yes, Ma'am," you stutter, mentally cursing yourself for not sounding confident. As soon as she stands in front of you, the woman pinches your cheek which makes you wince.

         "You're a beautiful young lady, how can you draw on yourself like a thug!" she scolds as you rub where she pinched. She then glares at your inked arm then back to your face. "People may think you're in a gang, and you could get into legal trouble!" Gohan chuckles from behind you and places a hand on your shoulder.

         "(Y\N), this is my mother. Mom, this is my soulmate." The woman's grumpy expression is replaced with a large grin.

         "My name is Chi-Chi, but you can just call me Mom. Dinner will be ready shortly, so you have time to introduce yourself to everyone." With that she turns and leaves. Once she's gone, you sigh and send Gohan a look of panic.

         "She hates me! I-I knew this wasn't going to-"

         "Don't be silly, (Y\N)," Gohan scolds quietly as he takes your hand. "My Mom clearly loves you! She wants you to call her Mom as well, right?"

         "Yeah, but-"

         "My mother is a strict but loving woman. I've lived with her for years, and I know the difference between her hatred and love. Believe me, she doesn't hate you." With his words you calm slightly, allowing him to guide you into his family's home.

         "Woah, Chi-Chi already got to your girlfriend, huh?" a stranger asks. You turn only to see a tall man with wild hair. Your first guess is that this is Goku, Gohan's father. He did mention his father's infamous orange gi...

         "W-We were introduced, yes..." You gulp before extending your hand. "I-I'm (Y\N), (Y\N) (L\N), sir." The man looks at your hand before laughing loudly, which makes you jump in shock.

         "Man, she's so formal!" he practically wheezes, which makes Gohan rub his face in embarrassment. Once he calms down, the man gives a salute. "The name's Son Goku, and I'm Gohan's father!" After a moment of silence, Goku leans down and looks around. "What did Chi-Chi ask you to call her?"

         "She told me to call her Mom..."

         "Great! Then you can call me Dad," he nods, which makes you calm down. He's certainly more personable than his wife...

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