Entry 004.

374 23 12


Dear Fucking Diary,

I woke up today feeling fuckin' great, even if the old hag was being an annoyance. Anyway, for some reason, I had this huge ass big sackshit ton of pride piling up inside me. Why? Because I felt like I had a dream where the world was under my control. I know I'm the best and all, but goddamn, that dream was fucking phenomenal.

In my dream, the world was so much better than it is right now. Everyone wasn't in my way. Everyone praised me. Everyone believed in me and had faith in me whenever these fucking villains appeared out of nowhere. The citizens were all scrambling like frightened rats, squeaking "Lord Bakugou! Help us!" as they hid behind places to not get in my way. Of course, I beat the shit out of every villain I encountered.

Damn, and the cops service was absolutely better. Instead of locking the villains up, they took them to a place where their heads would be exploded off and then their remaining body would be dumped somewhere else.

And OH MY FUCKING GOD the Pro Heroes. Even they worshipped me and bowed down. They fucking loved me, of course, and they did everything I ordered them to do. Hah, I even got fucking All Might to do shit for me. That creepy buff ass motherfucker was so fucking hilarious. And when someone tried to disobey me, it only took a glare to make them afraid and regret ever even thinking about disobeying me.

The ruler of the world was me.
I was in control of everything and it was all perfect.
Someday, that dream will definitely come true.
For now, the world only knows me as "Ground Zero", the best hero.

Anyways, the day went normal as usual... Wanting to kill Deku, yelling at everyone, and teaching Shittyhair BASIC MATH after school. That idiot doesn't even know how to divide. No wonder why he's such a failure.

Everyone should die, ᏦᎯᏆЅU.

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