Entry 007.

184 13 6


Dear Fucking Diary

Today Half N' Half learned that I liked spicy food.


I ran into the emotionless bastard at the grocery store today because I had to run errands for the old hag. I was in the aisle where noodles were to get some extra spicy noodles for myself when I heard his damn voice. He approached me casually, like I was his friend or something. Seeing his face pissed me off and I tried to ignore him but he continued talking to me, saying that it wasn't surprising I liked this shit because it matched my fiery personality.

This oblivious bastard has no social skills to realize I wasn't there for some useless chitter chatter.

It was getting to the point where I was about to yell at him to fuck off because he was nagging me about having a lot of spicy shit in my rolling basket. But when I looked at him, he had a whole fucking cart full of cold soba and ice.


So to sum up this fuckery: while he learned that I enjoyed spicy food, I learned that he has an obsession with cold food.

I bet that asshole will end up on My Strange Addiction someday.

When I was at checkout, he was behind me in line. It was stalkerish as hell because I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head. Even when I was leaving the damn store he was still staring at me! What the hell does he want, anyway!? I'll pick a fight with him the next time I see that peppermint Zuko looking ass.


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