Ch.1 ~The Start of it All~

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[Okay so you will be addressed as her/she, but if you want to you can always imagine it as him/he or them/they, or what ever you prefer to be addressed as. Enjoy!]

"Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14. Begin descent to Kerberos for rescue mission." Lance calls into the mic, and he puts the ship into a nose dive towards Kerberos. 

Hunk groans. "Lance, can you keep this thing straight?"

"Relax, Hunk, I'm just getting a feel for the stick." Lance smirks. "I mean it's not like I did this!" Lance pushes the gear stick, and makes the ship speed up and roll over onto its side and roll back over again. Hunk groans. "Or this." *Lance, do a barrel roll!*

Hunk groans again. "Okay, unless you want to wipe beef stroganoff out of all the little nooks and crannies in this thing, you'd better knock it off, man!" Hunk snaps.

I look over at Lance, "Come on Lance, you know that Hunk has a weak stomach, and we can't risk our engineer getting sick." I rub Hunk's back to try and make him feel better. Hunk smiles at me, but he still looks quesy.

Pidge whirls around to look at me. "We've picked up a distress beacon!"

"All right, look alive, team! (y/n), track coordinates." Lance orders.

I nod my head. "Copy." I track the coordinates, and dial them into the ship.

The ship rocks and Hunk grips the sides of his seat. "Knock it off, Lance! Please!" Hunk pleads.

Lance turns his head around to look at Hunk. "This one's on you, buddy. We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out." 

Hunk pulls his screen forward, but the ship rocks again, and Hunk almost throws up. Hunk gulps and mumbles, "Oh, no."

Lance raises an eyebrow. "Oh, no?-Fix now, puke later." Lance orders.

A light flashes on my screen, and the ship shakes again. "I lost contact. The shaking is interfering with our sensors." I desperately look to Hunk, who is not looking good at all. 

Lance turns back to Hunk again looking irritated. "Come on, Hunk!"

"It's not responding." Hunk says quickly then jumps up out of his seat, and runs over to the main gearbox preparing to puke.

I unbuckle myself from my chair to stand up. "I'll take care of it." I stand up only to be knocked to the floor as Lance crashes into something.

Pidge holds her hand out to help me up back into my chair, and I gratefully take it. "I don't think the ship, or us can take any more of this!" Pidge hollars to Lance over the rumbling.

Lance rolls his eyes. "Stop worrying. This baby can take it, can't you, champ?" Lance pats his console only to get a load rumble in reply. "See? She was nodding. She was nodding." Lance says unconvincingly. "(y/n), hail down to them and let them know their ride is here." Lance commands. "And Hunk get to work on that hydraulic stabilizer." 

I sit back down in my chair again, and call into your mic, "Attention, lunar vess-agh!" I fall forward in my chair, and hitting my face on the dashboard in front of me. I accidently forgot to buckle myself in after sitting down again. I feel my nose to make sure it isn't broken. I sigh in relief after feeling that my nose isn't broken, but it is bleeding. I wipe the blood off on my uniform, and buckle myself in again.

Lance spins his head around. "(y/n)! Are you all right? Buckle your belt. And Hunk, stop that shaking you could have badly damaged (y/n)'s pretty face!" I blush at Lance's comment. Lance loves complimenting every pretty girl in sight, so I ignore his comment and get back to work. But I can't stop the warmth of my face growing across my cheeks.

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