Ch.2 ~The Silver Paladin~

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And together the six of us are The Paladins of Voltron; Defenders of the Universe!

The vision ends and I'm brought back into reality. I feel dumbfounded until Lance shouts, "Uh, did everyone just see that?"

"Voltron is a robot. Voltron is a huge, huge, awesome robot!" Hunk exclaims.

"And this thing is only one part of it! I wonder where the rest of them are." Pidge questions excitedly.

"This is what they're looking for." Shiro says amazed.

"Incredible." Keith whispers.

"And I think we have to find the rest of them!" I say turning to them excited.

I suddenly hear a loud roar behind me, I jump back and hide behind Keith by reflex.

The huge lion bends it's head down, and a ramp unfolds from it's mouth. I freeze not knowing what to do, something is pulling me inside. But my brain argues a definite "no". I don't feel like listening to my brain right now and I step out from behind Keith and take a step forward. Lance suddenly sprints ahead onto the ramp and into the lion. "Lance wait for me!" I take off after him.

I arrive in the lion's cockpit and the lights inside turn on as the two of us walk in. "Woah." I gasp. 'I'm inside of a huge alien blue robotic space cat right now! And I love it!'

"All right! Very nice!" Lance whistles in satisfaction, looking around the cockpit. Lance sits down in the chair that's in the center of the room. The seat instantly slides forward in front of the console at the front of the cockpit. Lance yelps but then quickly regains his composure as the others walk in.

"Okay, guys, I feel the need to point out, just so that we're all, you know, aware. We are in some kind of futuristic alien cat head right now." Hunk says in his very worried tone in an attempt to convince us to get out. I'm about to reply but then I hear I quiet pur inside of my mind. 

"Whoa. Did you guys just hear that?" Lance says looking around the cockpit.

Keith raises an eyebrow. "Hear what?" 

I stutter as I try to find the right words. "Like, um uh... Like the lion is trying to communicate with us! I-I think it's trying to tell us something..." I trail off.

"Exactly (y/n)!" Lance says. The others shake their heads confused.

Pidge puts her hand to my forehead. "(y/n), are you feeling alright?" She asks worried.

I'm taken aback by the amount of her worry for me. "I'm fine Pidge. But can really no one else here it?" Once again the others only shake their heads in confusion. Lance and I share a confused look of our own.

Suddenly the lion lets out a loud roar, clearly wanting us to get a move on with something. Everyone besides Lance and I scream at the surprise roar. Lance studies the handles for a moment before taking them in his hands. "Okay. Got it. Now, let's try this." Lance pulls on the levers in front of him, and he launches the lion out of the cave wall, and into the sky. 

Hunk, Pidge, and I are all screaming our heads off, Shiro, and Keith just grunted clearly trying to hold in there screams. I hold on to Lance's seat for dear life. "You are the worst pilot ever!" Keith yells from behind Lance.

~On earth~

"What in the Sam Hill is that?" Iverson says to himself aloud.

"It appears to be a flying blue lion, sir." The man next to him says plainly, looking through his binoculars, and scratching his head. He looks at a confused Iverson and just shrugs.

The Silver Paladin ( Voltron x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now