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Jake POV
I woke up early to my alarm going off. I got up took a shower and put some boxers and shorts on. I walked outside to the truck and told them to try to be quiet and were to put it.
30 minutes later.
Jake POV
We got finished without waking up Erika. I was already sweating. I went into chances room and woke him up then went to Anthony's room.
Jake:get up bitch.
Anthony:jake go away.
Jake:no get up.
Anthony got up and put some shorts on and a shirt.
Jake:okay guys we have to be quiet Erika is still sleeping.
Anthony:ya okay.
They all walked into the room.
40 minutes
They finished painting and setting up the dresser and crib. He hung the paintings, put the rug down and set the table on it then got the rocking chair and set it in its spot.
Jake:thanks guys. Leave quietly
Anthony:okay I'm going back to my girlfriend.
Chance:me too.
Jake:I'm gonna sit in here for a minute.
Anthony:okay bye.
This is what the nursery looked like

Jake sat in the rocking chair thinking

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Jake sat in the rocking chair thinking.
Erika POV
I woke up to Anthony and chance in the middle of the room and Jake missing.
Erika:hey what are y'all doing in here.
Anthony and chance walked out. Erika got up and put a bra on and walked into the nursery and Jake was in the rocking chair.
Jake:hey baby
Erika:hey jakey.
Erika went and sat on jakes lap.
Jake:do you like it.
Erika:I love it.
Erika layed back and rested her head on jakes neck.
Jake:do you wanna take a shower I'm really sweaty.
Erika:ya let's go.
Erika slowly got up and then Jake got up. They both took a shower then continued there day. All day they watched Netflix and ate food.

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