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Jake POV
I woke up early and heard someone awake. I walked downstairs and it was Tessa. I told her about our parents then she hugged me and now it was time for the proposal thing.
Jake:so I know how Erika talked to you about how I'm proposing.
Tessa:yes and I'm really happy.
Jake:well I listened to y'all conversation and I'm not anymore. Tessa she wasn't even ready for a baby I don't want to have to make her life any worse.
Tessa:um okay but can I at least see the ring.
Jake:um ya I'll be back.
Erika was listening the whole time so she walked over to the door and pretended like she was just walking out.
Jake:hey baby.
Erika:hey jakey
Erika pecked jakes lips then walked downstairs
Tessa:um he isn't gonna propose.
Erika:I know I was listening.
Tessa:how does it make you feel.
Erika:idk I'm happy but a tiny part of me is sad.
Tessa:he seemed sad when he told me.
Erika:I just hope this doesn't hurt our relationship.
Jake POV
I ran upstairs and into me and Erika's room and Into the nursery. I lifted up the crib mattress and grabbed the ring box.
Tessa ran upstairs
Tessa:where are you.
Tessa:oh okay.
Jake:here is the ring
The ring

 Jake:here is the ring The ring

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Tessa:jake diamonds.
Jake:what I wanted her to love it.
Tessa:what are you gonna do with it.
Jake:I'll just give it to her as a surprise or I'll just save it for when she is ready and I know she is ready.
Tessa:well I'll keep it for ya.
Tessa put it on and walked downstairs. Jake was behind her.
Tessa:jake its a nice ring I like it.
Jake:well luckily you do keep it.
Tessa:thanks bro.
Jake:no problem.
Jake walked into the kitchen and sat down and grabbed the note pad and started writing down things from his emails.
Erika:what are you doing.
Jake:making the list of what I have to do tomorrow.
Erika:when do I get my surprise.
Jake:oh um I-I don't know.
Erika:um okay?
Tessa:Erika will you go to Starbucks with me.
Erika:ya let me get changed.
Erika put on joggers shoes and a shirt and walked to Tessa.
Erika:bye jakey
Jake:bye baby.
In the car.
Tessa:this is the ring Jake was gonna give you.
Erika:why did he give it to you.
Tessa:he didn't he said keep this maybe one day she will get it then walked downstairs.
Erika:let me see it.
Tessa handed it to Erika.
Erika:it's the ring I told Jake that if I was ever to get engaged I would want. That was before we were even together. Do you know what day he was planning this.
Tessa:April 24
Erika:our 1 year anniversary
Erika starts tearing up.
Tessa:don't cry.
Erika:give it back to him.
Erika:Tessa this man remembered something that I had told him when we were kids. This is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.
At home
Jake POV
I wasn't writing things to do tomorrow. I was writing the plan of the date I had planned for tomorrow. It was me and Erika's 1 year. We are gonna go out for breakfast then going to the beach then going out for lunch then coming home to go in the pool and so Erika has time to get ready for our date where I was gonna propose to Erika. I sat there with the plan and slowly passed out sleeping on the counter.
Erika POV
We walked inside and I was happy for tomorrow. I wanted to call this man my husband. I don't know why I didn't. I looked in the kitchen and Jake was sleeping. I walked upstairs to go to the bathroom.
Tessa POV
I went and pushed Jake and he fell on the ground.
Jake:fuck Tessa just shake me.
Jake:what do you want.
Tessa:propose tomorrow. I showed Erika the ring and she said that she told you about this ring.
Jake:ya she had been going through her moms jewelry when she found her moms engagement ring and said that if she was ever to get engaged she didn't want a ring like her moms she wanted this ring. She was 10 and I was 11. She said that, that ring made her happy. Then when we all moved into here she said that she now knows why she really wanted that ring was because it makes her feel like she would actually be loved one day and that the person giving it to her actually loved her. She also told me to tell her boyfriend when she was older that that's the ring she wanted but looks like she was the one telling him.
Tessa:omg you remember that.
Jake:would never forget it.
Jake stood up and Erika was standing there crying.
Jake:Erika baby what's wrong.
Erika:you remembered everything I said.
Jake:I would never forget it. That ring made you feel special.
Erika kissed Jake.
Erika:your really the man for me.
Jake:I hope so because you will never get ride of me.
Erika:I never want to.

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