Chapter 7

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Sam sighed as he slammed the door of the Impala, Aimée climbing in the front set next to him and shutting her door before Sam started driving.

"Thanks for keeping Dean from killing, uh, Ash back there," Sam says. "Did you talk to Cas again, did he tell you what her name was?" he asks.

"No, I ran into her at the museum earlier today. Literally," she explains, attempting to make a play on words.

Sam smiled at her little joke but then asked teasingly, "You think we'll find her and Dean dead when we get back, or just in the middle of a fistfight beating the shit out of each other?"

Aimée shrugged, looking out the window as she bounced her leg slightly to the beat of the music. Sam pulled up in front of a restaurant and they got out to go get food for everyone. Sam looked at Aimée, and she shrugged and ordered her food and then a burger for Ash before Sam ordered his food and a burger for Dean.

"Sam, why do you and Dean have to be so protective over me?" she suddenly asks.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, a little surprised she had asked that so outright.

"You guys never let me do anything! I spend all my time sitting in the car or at a motel room just waiting for you guys to come back from risking your lives. You don't even let me have a gun or a knife," she exclaimed.

"Because we don't want you to get hurt," he answered like it was obvious, taking their bags of food from the waitress that had brought them out.

Aimée sighed, looking at the floor and walking out of the restaurant.

"Aimée, come on," Sam exclaimed, following her out the door.

"No. All I want to do is help you and Dean, but you two won't let me," she protested, grumpily getting in the car and slamming the door.

"I know you want to help, but unless you can guarantee us you can help without putting yourself in danger we can't let you," he tried reasoning with her.

"How am I supposed to do that?" she asks.

"I don't know. But if you really want us to be able to trust you to help us without getting yourself hurt, I'm sure you'll find a way," he answered as they pulled up in front of the motel again and then entered their room.

The girl, Ash, was sulking on one of the beds, even though the TV was on, Dean was staring at her like any second she'd attack him and rip his throat out. Aimée walked to the bathroom and started brushing her hair, and Sam tossed one of the bags of food at Dean who caught it and then went and sat down at the table to eat. Aimée walked out from the bathroom and sat on the couch, unconsciously bouncing her leg.

"You alright, sis?" Dean asked upon noticing her nervous tick, glancing from Aimée back at Ash who was picking at the food Sam had just handed her.

"I'm fine," she says almost immediately, keeping her leg still.

Both Sam and Dean noticed it and exchanged a look meaning they'd talk about it later before Ash interrupted, "So are you guys keeping me captive just because you saved my life? I kind of have places to be and I don't really want to die of food poisoning from sketchy diner food," she said sarcastically because she had eaten said sketchy diner food earlier that day.

"Depends on if you plan on trying to kill my brother again," Dean answered gruffly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I apologize for being on the defensive when I wake up in some strangers' motel room," she snapped with fake sincerity, quickly getting up but then almost falling over from her recent injuries.

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