Chapter 10

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"Guns N' Roses? You think that was Aimée's idea? I thought she always hated my music," Dean remarked as he and Sam walked back to the Impala.

"It had to be. And no, she doesn't hate your music," Sam says, getting in.

"I don't know how they got ahead of us, they're on that bike. You can't carry an arsenal of ghost and demon fighting weapons in a nonexistent trunk," Dean complained.

Sam didn't say anything, he actually thought a motorcycle would be more convenient if someone was hunting alone, even aside from the perks of splitting lanes and technically being able to park anywhere.

The Winchester brothers headed to the next logical location, the church that had bought a lot of the husband's belongings two-hundred years ago, only to find Ash's motorcycle pulled up in front of the church.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean swore before hurrying inside, Sam right behind him.

The boys both rushed through the doors, only to find the church near-empty, except for the two girls who were talking to the priest up by the altar.

All three of them turned to stare when they heard Sam and Dean come in, and then Ash's voice carried across the room, "A little late to the party, Winchesters." It's echo in the rafters seemed to mock them.

Aimée immediately looked down, trying to figure out what to say to her brothers.

"Ignore them," Sam and Dean heard Ash tell her as they came closer before she turned back to talking to the priest.

Apparently the parish had been the ones to originally buy the hook along with a ton of other items from Eva Browning, but about seventy-five years ago the church had been broken into and some of the stuff was stolen. Aimée looked around and when she spotted something unusual, she grabbed Sam's arm.

"What?" he asked, looking at her.

"Does that look normal to you?" she asked him pointing, to the unusual colored wood.

"No," he answers, pulling a flashlight out of his pocket and crouching down to examine it more closely.

He pushed on the wood, knocking on the floorboards around it, and his knocks echoed which meant there was a gap underneath. He worked his fingers around it, trying to pry the board free, but then Ash bent down next to him and slipped a blade in the crack, popping the board free and tossing it aside.

Sam flashed his flashlight inside but there was nothing in it.

"Did you know about this?" Dean asked the priest.

"No," the priest answered, sounding genuinely baffled before commenting, "We suspected someone broke in a few nights ago but thought it was just some kids cause some of the consecrated wine was missing from the storeroom."

"You don't by any chance happen to have security cameras here?" Dean asked.

"Sorry, I'm afraid not," he answered.

"All right, thanks," Sam said, replacing the board, and Ash stomped on it to knock it back into its place and then all four of them headed back outside.

Ash handed Aimée her helmet but Dean firmly grabbed her arm before she could get on her motorcycle and threatened, "You're not going anywhere."

She whipped her arm in a circle, flinging Dean's hand off her, but then Sam snagged her other wrist and gave her a 'don't try it' look.

"You're coming with us back to the motel room and then we're going to have a nice little chat about you kidnapping our sister," Dean said calmly. Sam let her go right as Dean roughly tossed her helmet at her and commanded, "We'll follow you," before turning to his little sister and adding, "Aimée, get in the car."

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