Chapter 16

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Meanwhile back at the motel, Aimée stood looking out the window, suddenly collapsing from a headache as a scene from her nightmare flashed through her head, letting out a yelp of pain.

"Aimée?" Cas says, concerned as he rushes over and crouches down by her, wrapping his arms around her.

"It hurts," she whimpered, holding her head.

"What does? Are you having a vision?" Cas asks worriedly.

Aimée nodded, her hands still clutched to her temples.

"What do you see?" he asks her.

"Sam, Dean and Ash," she starts, "Then a ghost."

"The case they're working on..." Cas makes the connection and then asks, "Where are they?"

"An abandoned mill," she says softly.

"Hold on," Cas says, grabbing her tightly before zapping them both to the mill.

They showed up literally caught in the middle of the fight, and Dean spotted them when he was ducking a blow from the ghost and then shouted, "Cas, why the hell did you bring her here?"

"Hey, I was worried for your safety," Aimée replies almost defensively as the ghost goes to swing at Sam.

Aimée spotted it before he did and quickly pushes Sam out of the way so the ghost hits her instead, sending her flying through a wall.

"Aimée!" Sam and Dean shout at the same time, and Dean tries to run for her only to get blocked by the ghost.

Ash swung her arm right through the apparition and it vanished thanks to the iron bracelets she was wearing, and Dean kept running for his little sister. Sam was still struggling to get off the ground because the ghost had reappeared and pinned him to the rotting wooden planks.

Ash swiped at the ghost again, yelling for Cas to find some salt as she ducked out of the way of another blow from the ghost. It was strong, and very angry, so her iron bracelets had little effect on keeping the ghost away for long. Cas vanished to get Dean's bag from the Impala, making it back seconds later when Ash tackled Sam to the ground for a second time as the ghost tossed a piece of wood at the empty air right above them where their heads had just been.

Cas grabbed the salt from the bag and started sprinkling some on the hook and the contents of the box, but was knocked to the side by the ghost. He growled slightly to himself and quickly got back to his feet, also grabbing the gasoline and splashing that on the hook and box while Sam and Ash kept the ghost at bay and Dean tried to wake up Aimée, who had hit her head when she was thrown across the room. Cas lit the match and tossed it on the gasoline drenched box and hook, sending the ghost up in flames seconds before it could thrust a large splintered beam of wood far enough into Sam's chest to reach his heart.

Cas looked at the fire before running over to Dean and Aimée.

"Aimée. Come on, little sis, wake up," Dean is saying softly to her as he cradled her head in his arms.

"Dean," Cas said. Dean didn't look at him until Cas repeated, "Dean!"

He snapped his attention to Cas with a barked, "What?" as a single tear ran down his cheek.

"I can heal her," Cas said and then gently touched two fingers to Aimée's forehead.

With a startled gasp, Aimée woke up, grabbing at Dean and Cas's arms until she remembered what was going on. She slowly sat up, looking around asking, "Is it over?"

"Yeah, we got her. She's gone for good," Sam says as he and Ash come over, a hand clutched to his bleeding chest where the ghost had stabbed him with the wood.

"Sam, are you okay?" Dean asked him worriedly once he noticed the blood.

"Yeah, fine," Sam groaned, obviously lying because Dean, Aimée, and Ash all gave him a look.

"I can heal you," Cas said, reaching a hand out, but Ash stopped him and said, "There's splinters stuck in his chest, it could get infected if it heals over them too quickly."

"Sorry, Sam. Looks like we're going traditional old school medicine with that one," Dean remarks as he goes over by Sam to look more closely at the wound.

Aimée looks down before grabbing Dean's bag, bringing it over to him, and he digs out the first aid kit while Cas quickly zaps the two boys that had witnessed the havoc their antics had caused back home, leaving them with a stern warning that could and should be taken as a threat. 

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