Mistake [III]

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When I woke up I found myself on my bed still wearing my huntress gear, I tried to move but I became aware of the warm arm that was firmly sealed around my waist.

I turned to my left only to find Ryder slummed against me half sitting on the bed with me, one of his arms was around my waist meanwhile the other one rested on my soft stomach; I watched the outline of his face, tracing lines with my eyes up his jaw, his cheeks and finally landing on his close eyelids.

It seemed strange for me yet comforting to see how Ryder slept peacefully. I found it nostalgic to find myself in this position, the lingering of those memories creating strange yet familiar feelings, settling them in my stomach. It was hard to keep my hands to myself; I wanted to brush my fingertips across his face, would his skin feel soft underneath my touch like it did before?

Cursing my own weakness, I gave a sigh and relaxed leaning into Ryder, half of my body was against his, my back slightly against his chest and my head was resting on his shoulder. Ryder suddenly stirred shifting underneath me, his grip on me got tighter and then he moved me. My chest was now facing his; my face just a few inches away from mine, I could feel his breathing fanning against my cheeks making me shudder at the sensation.

I placed my hands on either side of his chest and tried to pull myself away without being successful, the only thing I managed to do was to wake up Ryder. His eyes opened up and I unconsciously met his bright brown eyes, I still couldn't understand why since we had met, I was captivated by his eyes, or was it his soul?

"Are you okay?" Ryder asked me, his voice still sleepy.

I nodded.

"I'm alright." I said feeling how suddenly my throat got dry.

Ryder looked at me never once losing grip around me.

"What time is it?" Ryder asked; his voice was slightly husky sending torrents of waves down my body of madding shivers.

I cleared my voice silently praying that my voice wouldn't betray me.

"I don't know but I'm going to get food, I'm starving." I said as I stood up, my body immediately protesting against the sudden lack of warmth Ryder's body was providing me.

Ryder looked at me and gave me a small smirk that sent my heart into an erratic frenzy.

"Sure." Ryder said before I turned around and stormed out of the cabin before I embarrassed myself once again.

I sat on one of the benches that were close to the dining room or common room like most hunters called it, the air around me was crispy blowing softly moving the tops of the trees; my hair blew towards my face making me close my eyes and relax, that was of course until I heard her laugh.

I opened my eyes to see that Mary Ann was currently speaking with Ryder, her laugh was loud and obnoxious, and I bit down the need to growl when I saw her hand brush down Ryder's arm.

What did she think she was doing by flirting with Ryder?

He was mine.

I sat there frozen, stunned by my own thoughts; Ryder wasn't mine since we were no longer dating.

But he is my soul mate not hers, a small voice in my head yelled at me.

What would Mary Ann gain by flirting with Ryder, it's not like Ryder would go out with someone like her would he?

"Jealously can be a bitch, right?" Someone said next to me.

I unwillingly peeled my eyes away from Mary Ann and Ryder to look at Ellen who sat next to me in the bench.

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