Chapter 3; Transferred

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(Lucy's POV)

I woke up and looked at my calendar, and crossed off July 2nd.

"July 3rd..." I mumbled,"What should I do today..? Everything is boring without Natsu."

I looked out the window, and stared off in the grey sky, watching dripping wet rain onto Magnolia. I stared off for a few minutes, but then I decided to watch the news.

"This is channel 22 with your daily news. Today's important story is that the famous boy, who looked for his dad, died last night. He died because he took on the powerful black dragon. We've had one of our workers join at his grave. Off to you, Isabelle." the news reporter explained.

"Natsu! He...died..?" My mouth dropped open.

"I'm here today with Natsu's childhood friend, Lisanna Stratuss." the girl with the microphone said.

"I need to go there," I exclaimed out loud,"I know Natsu more than anyone!" I ran outside in the rain, in my red shirt & leggings.

(Lisanna's POV)

I sniffled,"I was Natsu's childhood friend. He was always focused on finding Igneel. We barely talked to each other when we started growing up-
Lucy..?" I started, but then stopped to see Lucy. She was panting, as she was in her pjs.

"It seems like another one of Natsu's friends has came here," the news reporter walked up to Lucy,"What's your name?"

Lucy took the mic,"My name is Lucy Heartifila. I'm Natsu's best friend, I met him while looking for his father. He was the kind of person who cares for his comrades more instead of himself. Natsu Dragneel....a member of Fairy Tail," Lucy held up her right hand, showing her guild sign to the camera,"He helped me complete my dream, my dream to be a member of Fairy Tail." she started crying,"I tried to tell him something....but, it's too late."

"What did you want to tell him?" the reporter asked.

"That I loved him."

'Lucy... Natsu was never a member of Fairy Tail! She's lying!'

"I feel sorry for you..." the reporter took the mic back,"This is Isabelle, your daily reporter for channel 22. Back to you, Jennifer."

The news people left in their car, and all that was left was Lucy and me.

"Lucy, Natsu was never a guild member!" I yelled.

"He was, in my world," Lucy walked toward Natsu's tombstone.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm from another world," she closed her eyes,"Not from Edolas, but another world. Both of us were a team, with Happy. He saved me from all those times..."
Lucy opened her eyes again,"I know you love him too, Lisanna. We won't fight over him, because he's gone. I might be transferring to another world soon." She stared at Natsu's tombstone.

'R.I.P Natsu Dragneel, the boy who never found his father' the tombstone read.

"Who wrote this?"

"The news people."

"Oh.....I should be going now, I can't stand in this rain any longer." Lucy left the cemetery.

(Lucy's POV)

~At Night~

I changed into my normal pink pjs, and went into bed. I started crying.

'Natsu... Howcome one of us dies?'

A knock from the window sounded off. I rose up and wiped my tears,"Huh?" I looked out the window, and the blue cat named Happy was there.

"Happy," my lips curled a little.

"Lucy...." Happy came in and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Is that...Natsu's muffler that Igneel gave him?"

"Aye..." he mumbled, and sniffed.

"I want you to have it...Natsu liked you."

"No, you keep it, I'll be transferring into another world, and the Lucy right now doesn't know you, or Natsu."



"I miss Natsu..."

"Me too Happy." We cried together, and hugging each other. This time, Happy wasn't a stupid cat, he was one of my best friends.

~In the morning~

Before I woke up, the bright white lighted up my eyes once again. I fluttered my eyes, and Happy wasn't no longer with me anymore.

I looked over and saw my calendar,"July 1st. Just like I thought."

"What are you thinking about, Lucy?" a voice said from the other room.

"N-nothing!" I replied.

'No....not Gray! Anything but Gray! I bet Juvia's at the window.'

I looked over at the window, and I was right. I was so startled, and fell off the bed. Juvia was there, with her red eyes.

"Lucy! Are you ok- AH!" he came in, and saw Juvia.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia exclaimed from the window,"Gray-sama betrayed Juvia!"

Gray helped me up,"Did she do anything to you?"

"No..." Gray held my hand, and I slipped my hand away from his grip.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I can't take it anymore. Gray, I don't want to be yours anymore. Go with Juvia, I know you like her."

"Gray-sama likes Juvia?!?" Juvia's eyes went into hearts, she started to go in her normal fantasy world.

"Oh," Gray pouted, knowing I'm serious,"I'll get going."

"Before you leave, where's Natsu?"

"You're going to talk to Natsu?!? I thought you guys hate each other! But, I think he's at the guild."

"Thanks. Bye Gray." Gray headed out the door, and Juvia fell off the window.

'So in this world, I'm with Gray, and Natsu hates me. At least he's a guild member again.'

-End of chapter 3-

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