Last Chapter 7; Happy Anniversary

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*•*While Natsu and Lucy are in bed at night*•*

(Lucy's POV)

I appeared in a dream, a dream where everything was white. Natsu was there too, and a woman in the light popped up.

"Natsu and Lucy Dragneel," her voice was formal,"Congratulations. You will no longer transfer anymore."

"Really?! Why?"

"Lisanna isn't alive in the world you're currently living in right now. And the person who stabbed you in the other world doesn't exist here either."

"I have a question," Natsu asked,"Why did we transfer worlds?"

"The enemy wanted to kill you off in your normal world. She succeeded, but us, we wanted you and Lucy to live happily ever after together, so we asked some help from Ultear, since she knows time magic. Ultear was responsible for transferring you every time. It was a coincidence that if you two die at the same time, you appear in a relationship in the other world," the leader answered.

"How do you know when to transfer us at the exact same time?"

"We watch you," the founders all blushed,"We watch every single thing."

I blushed,"So you saw us kissing all these times!?"

"Yes. Yes, we did. Anyways, you're lucky we ship you too so much that we helped you."

"Thank you so much!"

"You're very welcome. Go on, live your life to the fullest. We've placed every memory of your current world inside your heads. Our job is done, so we won't watch you guys anymore." The leader smirked.

"Ciao!" the 7 founders waved goodbye and disappeared.

"Natsu," I smiled,"It's finally over."

Natsu smiled back,"I'm so happy for us." I ran to Natsu, and hugged him as he twirled around.

"I love you, Natsu."

"I love you too, Lucy." We fell into a kiss, and I felt like red roses formed around us. I heard a bit of giggling noises.

We both pulled away,"Are you guys still there..?" I yelled.

I heard someone say,"shh!"

"We know you're there!" Natsu yelled. A door appeared behind us.

"Go on, return to your world," the leader's voice said. We nodded, and turned to the door. Natsu smiled at me, and took my hand. I squeezed it back, and smiled back at him.

"Let's go."

"Yeah." We slowly started walking towards the door with the white light.

"They llliiiikkkee each other~!" A bunch of voices squealed behind us as we were 1 step away from the door.

"Bye!" We entered the door.


I woke up the same time as Natsu did. "Did you have the same dream as I did, Lucy?" he asked.


~7 days later~

(Nashi's POV)

"Happy 10th year anniversary Natsu!" Master cheered at the guild. Everyone cheered, as well.

"Thanks, Gramps!" Natsu smiled.

We decided to party at the guild, since it already seems like a bar.

"Oi Flame Brian! Let's fight like old times!" Gray took off his shirt.

"Let's go, Pervy Popsicle!" Natsu smirked and they fought in the middle of the guild.

"Count me in!" Gajeel grinned as he joined in.

"Good thing we're not joining, right, Erza-...." Jellal turned towards her. Erza had already joined in the fight.

I sighed.

"They hadn't changed a bit, did they?" Gale joked as he placed his arm around me.

"Yeah," I smirked,"Hey, don't you think it's time for a child?"

"A c-child!" Gale was shocked.

"Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders,"It'll be a good thing."

"Okay, anything for you, Nashi." Gale smiled and kissed me.

(Lucy's POV)

'So it's like our normal world, huh'

"Lu-chan!" Levy called,"Come on, everyone's waiting for you to join the party!"

I giggled and walked to the group. We sat down at a table.

"So, how's Nashi and Gale doing?" Erza asked.

"They're great," I smiled.

"Yeah, they've been living the dream," Levy added.

"Juvia asks if Mystogan Jr. is in a relationship yet," Juvia asked.

"Yeah, my son's paired up with Maryjane." Erza answered.

((If you don't know who Maryjane is, it's Laxus & Mirajane's daughter. Mystogan or Mystogan Jr. is Erza & Jellal's son, and Teal is Gray & Juvia's daughter.))

"Woah, our kids are growing up so fast," Levy realized.

"Juvia agrees."

"How's Teal?" Erza asked.

"Teal has grown a bit. It seems she might have Gray-sama's stripping habit as well...." Juvia replied.

"Eh?!" we all blurted.

"It's true."

I sighed,"I'll always wonder what our grandchildren will look like."


"Wait. Erza, how did you get out of that fight?"

"Jumped out, they're wasting my time."


Suddenly, romantic music started coming on.


I turned around, and Natsu was there. With a rose in his hands. Everyone surrounded him & me.

"I can't celebrate my anniversary without you, Lucy." he smiled softly.

I got up, and walked to him.
"What's this?" I asked.

"It's a gift, for being the best wife ever." he smirked.

I blushed and smiled. I took his hand, and we started slow-dancing. He placed the rose in my hair.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I really love you Lucy."

"I love you too Natsu."

"They llliikkkee each other!" Everyone squealed. We all laughed, and more couples started slow dancing with us.

"Oh yeah, Happy Birthday, Lucy!" Natsu suddenly remembered.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I totally forgot about my birthday....I was focused about your anniversary."

Natsu kissed me,"That's all for now, but I'll think of a real present later." I smiled, and started thinking about something. Tears started streaming down my cheeks.

"What's wrong, Lucy?"

"It's nothing. I just...can't believe we're done transferring. Dying a bunch of times is over. ended because I'm with you, Natsu. We were meant to me." I leaned into a kiss with Natsu.

-The end-

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