Chapter 1; Another World

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(Lucy's POV)

The bright light from my window shined on my closed eyes, causing me to wake up. "Huh? Natsu's not here..." I asked myself as I rose up from my bed. I stared at the clock, 7:00 a.m. I got out of the bed sheets, and started eating breakfast. "Today's July 1st," I said out loud as I read my calendar,"I should probably look for Natsu at the guild." I finished eating my waffles, and started dressing up in my normal attire.

~At the guild~

"Hm, that's weird. The guild doesn't sound noisy as usual," I said to myself as I was about to open the guild doors. I opened the guild doors, and a sword hit my forehead too hard. My vision started to fade away, but the last thing I saw was Master Makarov tied up and two black figures that looked like men in full-black outfits with masks. I fell onto the floor, and my eyes closed.

"Lucy!" I hear that sound fading away as well...

(Natsu's POV)

My eyes shut open,"I smell something," I said.

For some reason, I was on the roof of Fairy Tail, chilling there with Happy. I looked over at Happy, he was sleeping. I got up from the roof, and decided to go see it myself. I walked down to the main floor of the guild, and squatted down quickly.

'What are these people doing with Gramps?' I thought,'I should take them out.'

"Great job, since you kept us waiting for too long, we killed one of your members!" A man's voice said,"She's not even breathing anymore."

"You bastards," Gramps said,"You killed one of my brats-"

"FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" I interrupted as I breathed out a huge puff of fire toward the two men. Both men fell down, and their eyes turned into X's. I came out and untied Gramps.

"Thanks Natsu," Gramps thanked,"But, what do we do with Lucy?"

"Huh? Where's Lucy?"

"She's over there." I looked at the door, and I saw a woman, my best friend,

laying on the floor.

I ran to her, and squatted down next to her, and lifted her head up. It was bleeding.
"Lucy..." I mumbled,"Why did this have to happen?" I hugged her body, but it never felt the same. I cried one tear,"I didn't have enough tell you....that I loved you."

(Lucy's POV)

"Huh..? Where am I?" I asked myself. I was floating in a place where everything was white.
"Am I dreaming?" my foot touched the ground, and a bright white light covered everything. I opened my eyes, and I was back in my apartment, in my bed.

'July 1st, 7:00 a.m.' I thought,'It was all a dream.' I looked over, and someone was sleeping next to me.

"L-Loki?!?!" I said in shock. I was too shocked that I fell off my bed.

"Huh? What's wrong, Lucy?" Loki looked over at me.

"Why are you in my room?!? Natsu's supposed to be there, not you!!" I backed up all the way to the nearest wall.

"Who's Natsu? He's another guy isn't he? Are you cheating on me?" Loki rose up from my bed.

"Cheating? We're not in a relationship!"

" seems like you lost your memory. Hopefully the ring that I gave you will help."

I looked at my hand, there was a ring on it. I looked carefully at the ring,'Happy Anniversary, Lucy.' I read in my mind,'I'm confused! Is this the real world?! I'm not in a relationship with Loki!' I thought.

-End Of Chapter One-

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