Chapter 5; Bachelor Parties

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(Lucy's POV)

'Transferring again...' I thought as I soared into the white light for a third time.



I was in a different bed, and someone had his arm around me, and his leg hugged my legs. There was someone in another bed in front of me.

'Where am I..?'

I guess we were in a hotel, with two double beds.

I looked at the clock on the side table. 7:00 a.m, July 1st, the same time & date as always.

'But who's this guy behind me..?' I wondered.

I turned my head, and it was Natsu. I blushed real hard. He seemed to be transferred at the same time I did, because we woke up at the same time. He was shirtless, he was blushing with his shocked face on.

"Lucy...?" he whispered.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"Did you get transferred as well?" I nodded.

Natsu hugged me,"I thought we were apart in this world." I blushed,"I thought so too."

Natsu broke the hug and rose up.

'Eh? Why are my pajamas on the floor?' I looked under the sheets, and all I had on was my underwear & undershirt.

"Oh, you guys are awake. Goodmorning!" a girl voice said. I looked over, and there was a woman in a robe, it was Juvia, with her blue hair as usual.

"Goodmorning," I replied.

"Did you remember what happened last night?" she asked


"Me either, we probably drank too many shots at the bar." I looked at Natsu, he had his confused face on.

"What's wrong Natsu?" I asked.

(Natsu's POV)

"I don't know where my shirt is." I said as I looked under the sheets.

That's where I saw Lucy's body.

My face got filled with red, but then I saw the shirt at the end of the bed.

"There it is," I mumbled. I grabbed the shirt, put it on, and got out of bed, still remembering the sight of Lucy's undies.

"Where are we?" Lucy asked.

"We're at a resort with the rest of Fairy Tail, right, Gray-sama?" Juvia looked over at the man in the other bed. "He's still sleeping," she noted.

ucy looked at her right hand, her insignia was still there, she sighed of relief. I looked at my shoulder, and my sign was there too.

"We should get ready for the pool. Everyone's there already," she smiled.

"Yeah." Lucy got up. My face got red again.

(Lucy's POV)

I looked over at Natsu, he was blushing and staring at me. I looked down, and I blushed. I didn't hide anything, because then Juvia over there would get suspicious.

"What's the matter? You're still not used to seeing me like this? We're girlfriend and boyfriend," I winked.

Juvia giggled,"You guys are always like that. Juvia and Gray-sama are already used to it." I walked over to my suitcase. I figured it was mine because it had a plue sticker on it. I opened it and took out my swimwear.

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