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Taehyung and Jimin arranged a small celebration on the weekend as they had said but Jungkook was no where in sight till the last minute making the raven head angry because the couple was going to be there any minute now.

"I swear to God that kid will die tonight if he doesn't show up in next two minutes."

The brunette laughed as he thought to himself what could the younger be up to. He knew for sure that the other was well informed about the present plan but the delay was highly suspicious. Only to him, of course, since no one else had a single clue about what was going on between them.

"Should I go and bring him?"

Jimin looked at the innocently blinking male next to him and sighed.

"Yeah, go on. I think I'll strangle him if I went."

Before the brunette could leave the other called from behind him.

"And if he misbehaves, tell me. I'll give him a beating so good he'll never open that foul mouth again."

Taehyung chuckled as he nodded before leaving and once the door closed behind him his smile turned into a smirk.

"Don't worry. I can discipline him myself very well."

He pulled his phone from his hoodie pocket and dialed the younger's number half expecting not to get any response. His prediction got wrong when the call was answered but the sounds that greeted him were not what he was expecting.

The panting, groaning and moaning of two people made him stop and focus on the sound to make sure it wasn't what he's thinking. The mere thought was making him uncomfortable.

"What's going on, Kook?"

He asked despite the clear indication but no answer came except for the continuation of those sounds until


That was it. Taehyung had had it. There was a line that wasn't supposed to be crossed even if it wasn't mentioned in words but now that the younger had rebelled openly he would have to face the consequences whether he would like it or not. How dare he brag about fucking a girl to him like that? That too just after leaving him hanging in the bathroom in the hospital.

"You better make sure you escape with your bitch before I get there."


Jungkook came out of his bathroom and saw Hoseok fumbling with the model's phone.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

The pink haired male looked up and shrugged as he threw the device on the bed not bothering to tell what he just did could probably cost his boss his life.

Or maybe something else?

"Jimin called. He said you're getting late."

The younger squinted his eyes at the other and walked forward cautiously to grab his phone to check what was done to his device. He unlocked the screen and checked his calls and texts. When he found Taehyung's call attended his mind rang loud alarms of danger.

"What did you talk to that fag about?"

The brunette spat as he glared at the older who shrugged again nonchalantly before smoothening his clothes.

"Nothing much. He was asking why you are still not there? I told him we are just about to leave."

That was very convincing but something about the barely visible smirk of the pinkette said that it wasn't the truth.

He's WHAT? (Taekook + Jihope) ✓Where stories live. Discover now