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Jungkook stumbled in his spot as he stood up abruptly, or he tried to. The amount of soju in his body was making it impossible for him to even stand properly let alone do anything else. Still, the boy staggered towards the cheerful males and poked Taehyung slightly since he had no energy in him for a stronger push.


The other two turned their attention to the unexpected sight of a drunk Jungkook who seemed clearly pissed off. Before they could say anything, the young model glared at his ex-costar and slurred out.

"You rrrrascal *hiccup*"

Minho gasped at the insult and quickly attempted to take him away before he said anymore since he was clealry not in his right mind. Taehyung however had been used to it so it didn't bother him much except for the fact that he had suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Jungkookie, you're drunk. Let's go home."

The brunette only struggled in his friend's grip as he shook his head.

"Nooo! *hiccup* Le'me talk *hiccup* to 'im."

Taehyung stood dumbfounded at the sight of Jungkook with many questions swimming around in his mind. Where had he been? Did anything happen to him? Why wasn't he talking to the older anymore? Why was he drunk right now? Was he alone? Why was Hoseok not with him in such a situation? What did he want to talk to him about?

Minho still tried to pull him away excusing himself from Taehyung but the other model only stopped him thinking that it might be the only chance he could get to talk to the real Jungkook and get answers to all the things he wanted to ask now and before. It might not be the best thing to take advantage of a person's drunk state to get his secrets out that he had been trying so much to hide for all that time but Taehyung was desperate.

"Minho, why don't you try to get Hoseok to bring his car? I'll take care of him till then."

Minho looked between the two before nodding and trying Hoseok's number which seemed to be busy on another call. Seeing that it was not working he told Taehyung that he would rather hail a taxi to which he received a nod and went ahead towards the road to signal for a cab while mentally cursing at himself for coming without his bike to meet Taehyung. But then again, who knew they would run into Jungkook here and that too in a drunk state?

When Minho was out of their vicinity Jungkook hit Taehyung's chest with any amount of strength he had getting his attention again.

"You fu*hiccup*cking idiot!"

The older blinked as he looked at his ex-costar and and stared for a while at how the younger looked so different. It was hard to put in words what his appearance was like. He was same as before but kind of pure.

"S'upid s'up*hiccup*id s'upid."

The young brunette kept punching his chest like a baby and now his voice was more like a whine. Taehyung sat him down on the sidewalk since he couldn't stand well due to the amount of drink he had.

"How much did you drink, Kookie?"

The older asked gently.

"I's your f*hiccup*ault."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he stared at the other.

"Why? What did I do?"

Jungkook glared at him before responding.

"You lllliar."

Before the older could respond Jungkook broke down in tears clutching onto his shirt head hanging down.

"You fu*hiccup*ckin' liar."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around the younger out of instinct and felt the other easing up even more leading him to bawling.

He's WHAT? (Taekook + Jihope) ✓Where stories live. Discover now