Chapter 17

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I turn up the radio waiting for Jena to come out of her hotel room. "Hey! You ready to go?" She walks out and opens the passenger door to my car. "Yeah! After do you wanna see if Josh,Liam, and Sam wanna come over to my hotel room? I was thinking about maybe having a little party. I heard the room service has really good strawberry vodka and I have limes ready and everything." She laughs as I pull off quickly. "Yeah! That sounds great! I'll call Josh when we get back." I agree.

I sit in the chair as the worker sprays my hair and parts it. "Do you want me to dye it first? It's a lot easier." She suggests. "Yeah, whatever's easier for you." I try to be friendly. "Sam's coming and he's bringing Laura. She came to visit." Jena says, smiling at me. "Great! I'm texting Liam now." The worker puts the dye in my hair.

Jen: hey! Wanna hang @ jena's tonight? We have shots!

Liam: I'm in what time?

Jen: 9

Liam: k great. Is josh coming? 😏😽

Jen: I haven't asked him yet.

Liam: he told me what happened last night.

Jen: he what?

Liam: you loooveee him

Jen: shut up liam

"He's coming" I tell Jena as my hair gets rinsed out. "Kay, wanna go shopping after this for some party clothes?" She raises her eyebrows at me. "What did josh tell you?" I ask. "Josh told me nothing.. Sam told me a-lot." She says winking at me. "Nothing even happened." I'm worried about what Sam could've told her. "Really so you weren't c-u-d-d-l-I-n-g?" She asks laughing. "Yes we were but we didn't even kiss or anything." I try to stop smiling so she'll take me seriously. "So he didn't even try to cop a feel?" She looks disappointed. "No of course not! Nothing's going on between us." I roll my eyes at her. "Yet." She mumbles. "Okay miss Lawrence you're done." The worker sets her scissors down and reveals my newly cut hair. "I love it! Thanks so much." I hand her the money.

We walk into a store I've never heard of called "très sexy" "Jena I don't speak French what are you doing?" I ask, watching her tell the worker something in French. "mon ami ici répond à un mec ce soir. avez-vous quelque chose d'un peu plus sexy dans sa taille?" She says. "I just wanted her to show me what we should get for tonight." We follow the woman to the back where there are rows and rows of dresses. "Wow these are uh really lacy." I say feeling one between my fingers. "Yeah, I bet josh will love this one!" She says holding up a black dress that's probably supposed to be about knee length. It's partly see through and strapless. "Really?" I roll my eyes at her. "Please just go try it on?" She gives me a pouty face. "Fine. I'll be right back." I take it with me to the dressing room and Of course she follows me. I walk into the last changing room since its the biggest and put on the dress. "How is it?" She asks, excitedly, from the other side of the door. It looks amazing on me, and comes up a bit higher than mid-thigh on me. "It's kinda small.." I tell her, feeling how tight it is on me. "Let me see." I open the door and let her in. "It's perfect!" She puts her hands on my shoulders and turns me around in a circle. "Fine I'll get it. Can you hurry up and pick one its almost time for Liam and Sam to get at your hotel room." I pull out my phone so I can call Josh. "I already have mine picked! I'll go pay and you can just leave yours on if you want I'll let the manager know so she can take the tags off." She says walking off towards the front desk. "Hey Josh, can you come over to Jena's hotel room tonight in like an hour?" I take the shoes Jena gave me and slip them on. "Yeah I'll be there." I smile at my feet. "Great! I have to go Jena wants me to let her finish my makeover." I say, I can almost hear how annoyed I sound. "Great have fun." I can tell he's smiling. "I'll try, see you soon." I don't wanna hang up. "Bye." He hangs up.

I flinch a little when someone knocks on the door. "Don't move I'm almost done." She finishes my eye makeup. "Ok you're all set! I'll go get the door." She runs off, her heels clicking against the floor. "Hey Liam! Come on in." I walk out of the bathroom into the living room and sit on the couch next to Liam. "Hey handsome." I smile at him. "Hey, nice dress very sexy." He smirks at me. Then adds "you cut your hair." I laugh and he puts his arm around me. "So handsome you ready to get drunk?" I ask seductively raising my eyebrows. Then I burst out laughing. "Yep." He laughs with me. Someone knocks on the door and I start to get up, then sit back down when Jena gets it. I lean over on Liam putting all my weight on him and lay my feet across his knees. "Hey guys! C'mon in!" Jena hugs Sam and Laura. "Hey Sam! Hey Laura." They come sit down on the other end of the couch and Jena brings the vodka and shot glasses over to the coffee table in front of us then walks back into the kitchen area. Liam starts massaging my ankles while we wait for josh to get here and Jena to finish getting everything ready. "Hey, Laura can you pass me the pretzels?" I look over at her. "Just give her the whole bowl." Sam suggests, when Laura grabs a plate off the table. "Thanks." She hands them to me. "We'll I can see that Josh is the key to starting this party." Jena walks out of the kitchen with the salt and limes. As if on cue we hear a knock at the door.

Jena opens it and Josh walks in. I hand Liam the pretzels and move my legs off of him so Josh can come sit. "Hey Josh!" I stand up and hug him. "Hey! You look so different." He smiles at me. "Yeah, do you like it?" I ask spinning around so he can see the other side of my hair. We walk over to the couch and sit down. Sam has to put Laura on his lap and I'm squished up against Liam and josh but we all somehow fit on the couch. Jena pours us all shots and Sam and Laura go first. Then me and Josh. "Wait Jen stay still." Jena says wiping vodka on my neck and putting salt on it. "Okay, shot, salt, lime." Jena instructs us setting the salt down next to Josh's shot. Of course I wasn't surprised she made me do this with Josh, Sam of course did it with Laura. I watch as Josh takes the shot, then leans down slowly licking the salt off my neck. I start to feel a tingly feeling in my neck and it spreads all through my body making me shiver. When he stops and sticks the lime in his mouth everybody cheers. Except me I'm still tingling. We continue doing shots, me with Liam, Jena with Sam, Laura with Liam, me with Josh. Until all the vodka is gone. "I'll be right back." Jena says getting up and walking out of the room. "Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Laura asks laughing as Sam whispers something in her ear. "Yeah." I agree, Josh and Liam do the same. Jena comes back with another bottle of vodka and I hold my hand out so she'll give it to me. "Okay, Jen truth or dare?" Liam asks winking at me. I laugh and take a drink out of the bottle. "Truth." I know that if I say dare they'd dare me to kiss Josh. "Tell the truth do you like josh?" He asks. "Of course were best friends." I smiling at Liam. "Fine are you sexually attracted to Josh?" Sam rolls his eyes at me. "Oops that's two questions, better wait till next time." I laugh. "Josh truth or dare?" Jena asks. "Dare." He looks over at me. "I dare you to ask Jen out right now because we all know you like her." She says. "Jen, will you please come to dinner with me tomorrow night?" He asks, I smile at him. "Of course why don't you call me tomorrow when you decide where." I smile.

As the night goes on I feel my mind getting blurred. "I'm so drunk." I say, before I even decide to say it then I burst out laughing. "I think where gonna go, we only have one night together." Sam suggests making Laura giggle. "Kay, see you tomorrow sam." I turn towards Josh. "I think I'm gonna go to bed now, I'll see you all later." I get up and walk to my hotel room across the hall.

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