Chapter 21

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I walk out of Josh and I's trailer and start to walk towards my car when Francis stops me. "Hey Jen?" He walks faster to catch up with me. "Yeah?" I turn around to face him. "Did you and Josh come here together?" He looks over at the trailer when the door opens. "Yeah he was in my room this morning why?" I ask, worried that someone might have told him about me and Josh. "Are you two like together?" He asks, looking back at Josh who is still standing in the trailer doorway. "Yeah." I look over at Josh, he walks over toward me and is about to say something when Francis continues. "I just want you two to be...uh careful there's not many stunts left for catching fire but there will be some in mockingjay and we can't have a pregnant mockingjay." I try to smile. "Oh, okay I'll see you tomorrow." I walk to the car and get in the passenger seat. "That was really weird do you think anyone told him?" Josh asks getting in the driver seat. "I don't know. I don't think Jena or Sam would tell him, maybe Liam?" I pull out my phone. "Why would Liam do that?" He starts the car. "I don't know maybe Jena didn't tell him to keep it a secret or maybe Francis just thought of it all alone." I say, starting to text Jena saying where are you guys? "There waiting for us." He buckles his seat belt and I do mine. "Ok tell them were coming." He pulls off onto the street.

We walk into the ice cream shop together and walk in quietly taking our seats with Liam in between us. "Hey guys." I look around. "Hey.." Liam says, while Jena and Sam just stare at Liam. "What's going on?" I ask, turning to Jena. "Why don't you ask Liam?" She sounds frustrated. "What are they talking about?" I turn to Liam. Josh has the same confused look on his face as I must have so I know he wants to know too. "I told Francis you were together but I didn't mention anything else." Liam tells me. "Why would you do that?" I yell making a few other people turn towards us. "I just thought you two should be more careful and I thought that if Francis told you, you would take it more serious." He says, defensively. "We'll you thought wrong." I mumble turning away from him. "So are we getting ice cream or not?" I ask trying to smile as I look at Jena and Sam. "Yeah." Sam smiles back at me. I get up from my seat and walk to the counter where they have all different ice creams and toppings. "I want two scoops of strawberry." I say letting the worker get my bowl and ice cream then I go to the toppings and put gummy bears, sprinkles, chocolate chips and m&ms on my ice cream. Then I walk back to the table waiting for the others to finish getting their ice cream.

Josh comes and sits next to me. Then Jena, Sam, and Liam sit on the other side. "So how was filming?" Jena asks looking over at Sam. I pick up my phone and see a text from my mom saying to call her later. "Who was it?" Josh asks looking down at my phone. "My mom." I take a bite of my ice cream. I continue eating in awkward silence until Sam speaks up. "So we're going to Hawaii next week." He tries to start a conversation. "Yeah, do you know where we're staying?" I ask. "I think we're staying at a hotel right by the beach, so it's close to where we're filming and we can go swimming." Jena informs us, starting to smile. Before I can say anything josh grabs the napkin from next to me and wipes the side of my face. "You had something on your face." He explains. "Oh thanks for getting it off then." I say, laughing.

Josh and I head back home leaving Jena, Sam, and Liam behind. "You wanna watch a movie?" Josh asks, walking into my bedroom. "Yeah." I sit down on the bed and pull the covers over me. Josh comes and sits by me and I scoot closer cuddling with him. "I love you." I kiss the edge of his jaw. "Love you too." He wraps his arm tightly around me.

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