Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Well hello darling, it's been a while"

My eyes widen as my heart starts to thump in my chest. I clench my jaw as the sound of his voice sends my veins pulsing furiously. 

"What do you want, Dylan?" I ask as I get up from Jack's lap, walking away towards the kitchen. 

"You of course, what else would I want?" He answered. I hear a faint tapping noise on the other side of the line, sounding like he's tapping his finger on a table. 

"Very funny, cause we both know that's not happening" I replied, trying to keep my voice as casual as I can. 

"Why not, darling? Don't you miss me? Or are you too busy with that pathetic boy you're 'with', what's his name? Jack?" Dylan asked. I inhale a sharp breath and clench my jaw harder. How does he know of Jack?

"Stay away from me, Dylan. I'm not asking again. You stay the hell away from me and especially the hell away from Jack." I threaten, feeling my blood boil. 

" know I can never get enough of you, darling," He said, sounding like he's smirking. 

"Fuck you, Dylan. I don't need to hear you're bullshit." I said, hanging up on him.

I drop my phone onto the kitchen counter, leaning on it, using my elbows. I put my face in my hands, running them through my hair. I groan and shake my head. Tyler was right.......... he really is here. My life was going perfectly ever since the accident and now, like always he has to come and fuck everything up. 

"You okay?" Jack asked as he placed his hand on my back. I sigh and stand up. He stands in front of me in a blue sweatshirt that hugs his biceps along with black slim joggers. I look into his eyes as the black specs in them entangle themselves into the brown. 

"Yeah, just..... yeah" I replied running a hand through my hair again. 

"I know it's none of my business, but it's Dylan, and..... you were pretty pissed," He said, touching my arm. I bite my lip. He just want to make sure your okay, Victoria. 

"Remember the phone call I had in the car a few weeks ago? I was talking to a guy named Tyler?" I asked, pulling out a stool from underneath the edge of the counter/island thing to sit on. 

"Yeah" He replied, doing the same. 

"Well, basically Tyler's a good friend of Dylan and I back in Omaha and um..... He told me that um....." I said, not really sure how to tell him. 

"Dylan's here," Jack said, finishing my sentence. 

I open my mouth, surprised by his answer. "H-How?" I stutter

"I figured." He said shrugging. "You didn't tell me what he said and I took a little bit of a wild guess based on what you said about him and your past. You tell me a lot of things, Vic. So when you didn't tell me, I figured something's wrong" 

I nod, understanding what he said. I shouldn't be surprised, Jack's pretty smart and he figures out a lot of stuff about people by just observing people and using the facts he knows to put pieces together. It's pretty smart of him to notice my strange behaviour towards him and he figured out based on the things I've told him. Pretty smart guy, I have. 

"Sorry that I didn't tell you, I just don't want to burden you more with my problems," I said, scooting to the edge of my seat, putting my arms around his neck. My fingers playing with his hair at back. 

"You don't burden me, babe. You can tell me anything, alright? No matter what it is. We're in this together remember?" He said, cupping my cheek. 

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