Chapter Fourty

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My heart starts to thump as Jack and I walk hand in hand towards the entrance of the school. I haven't spoken to Jess since the encounter at the mall and it's making me feel nervous. I don't really know what she may have remembered about me that she saw and well....... I just have some questions to ask her. I tried texting her or calling her but she never answered. A part of me hurts because she was probably the first person I got along with when I first came to this school and now she probably hates my guts. I'm crossing my fingers that she'll tell me what she saw and maybe when can talk this out.

Like always as we walk into school a bunch of stares look our way. It's becoming a regular thing these past few weeks, ever since Jack and I started to go out. I don't know why people think it's nice to just stare at two everyday teenagers holding hands while walking. Like isn't it normal?...............Well not if you're the girl of the towns bad boy, who, may I remind you, doesn't date...... making me his first girl. As we make our way towards our first class, we meet up with Molly and Theo and everything seems to be fine so far. I'm sure Molly told Theo what happened at the mall, but both of them act like it was nothing and it's starting to bother me.

"You okay? You seem a bit distant" Jack asked holding me back before walking into class. We stand facing each other and I can see the concern swimming in his eyes.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about what happened at the mall the other day," I said, looking at him. He takes both of my hands in his and kisses them each.

"You know I'm always here if you need someone to talk to, right? I love you and I hate seeing you anything but happy" He said, staring into my eyes, straight to my soul.

"I know. And I really appreciate that babe, thanks" I said, giving his hand a little squeeze. He smiles back and kisses my forehead, his lips lingering there.

"Come on, let's get to class," I said before he pulls away and I lead us into class just before a woman in her thirties enters behind us, making me think we have a supply.


"Hey, Jess! Jess wait-......" I call her name as I spot her in the hallway coming out of the bathroom between second and third periods. She doesn't answer me but I'm certain she can hear me due to the weird looks everyone throws at me.

"Can we talk?" I ask her once I jog up to catch up with her. 

"What is there to talk about?" She asks like I'm the clueless person in the world.

"What did you mean when we were at the mall?" I blurt out, instantly slapping myself for getting straight to the point. I should have at least eased into it instead of just pushing her like that. She wasn't even talking to you, what makes you think she'll talk about it?, I tell myself.

She immediately stops walking and the people behind us almost bang into us. I hear some of them swear as none of them tell us to our face on why we just randomly stopped for no reason. Again, another perk of being the bad boy's girl or in this case, for Jess, a friend.

"Oh come on, Vic! Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about" Jess said, looking straight into my eyes.

"No, I genuinely don't know what you're talking about," I said to her, genuinely not understanding what she means.

She rolls her eyes at me before sighing, "The killing? The guns?...... Ring a bell in that psychotic brain of yours"

That's when my eyes widen, and the puzzle fits together. "B-but-"

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