Family Ties

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    I sat in my wheelchair as I applied the last coat of mascara. I blinked and smiled in the mirror. I was honestly a pretty girl. Sometimes I felt like I was looking at someone else but I'ld touch the glass and always laugh and how silly I was being. Giana poked her head in and smiled. She walked in opening the door fully. "You are a true beauty Ruby." She said kissing my forehead and wheeling me out to the car. Mother smiled at me and helped Giana with me. I honestly did feel like I was useless at this point. I couldn't even stand long enough to help myself in the van.  It was a bit pathetic but I will live. The drive to my grandparent's house was pretty normal really. Giana and I sung way too loud and mainly out of key to old pop songs that came on the radio laughing. Giana and I really were just that close. As close as twins really. We had only been born seven months apart so we were always close. She is two years ahead of me though. One for being the oldest, and the other because Giana loves to study. She isn't what you would think as a typical nerd. But once you talk to her, you know. She is quirky and full of random bits of information. Me and her joke about it sometimes and I know that she gets bullied about. She acts okay about it but really I know it bugs her.

     I grab her hand from the between the seat and door and squeeze it. We smiled at each other as mother pulled up the long narrow driveway. I could see cars decorating the lawn and carport. There was even a new shiny red motorcycle. Whose is that? It was a rush of thrill to see it. Imagine riding one of those with your hair blowing in the wind. It must feel like flying. It just must. I saw my aunt sitting on the porch with one of my older cousins and a few of my younger ones. My stomach turned in knots and my knees, not that I would be walking, turned into the very familiar jello. I could hear my own heart racing and hoped it was just me. The car clicked off and I jumped. My first outing. My stomach felt like I had swallow a entire swarm of butterflies. I took a deep breathe and looked up at mother and Giana. They gave me half hugs from their seats before getting out. My aunt smiled and waved and mother. Mother looked as scared as I must. Giana opened my door and mother got my chair out of the trunk. I saw my aunt run in the house almost frantic. I could see her through the window saying something quickly to the crowded front room full of adults. I was lifted and placed in the chair. I honestly felt like I was going to puke as mother rolled me up the lawn we had parked in. My aunt scurried outside as Giana and mother lifted my chair up to the sidewalk. Her head cocked to the side and her face twisted in confsion. I brushed my bangs out of my eyes and blinked out of nervous habit. She knew then. I saw the look on her face. She turned to look at the house but mother called out to her. "Sammy can you help us get her up the stairs?" She said as we approached the house that had three stairs leading up to the medium-size porch.

     They all helped me up the stairs. My oldest cousin and her children moved out of the way smiling at me. She never knew me when I was a boy so why would she think it old if I turn up a girl. Aunt Samantha stopped us at the door. "Robert?" She finally asked me. I smiled up at her blinking innocently. "Robert's dead, I'm Ruby now." I said. My voice was strong because that is the truth that I have engraved into my own head. She looked taken aback and looked at mother. "What have you done, sister?" Pain was in her voice and tears were in her eyes. She walked in the house and refused to look at me anymore. It hurt a bit but I knew this would happen. I just hope not everyone acts like this.

      I was rolled into the house with Giana holding my hand. My grandmother and grandfather looked at me. My grandmother smiled at me. "Hello pretty girl." She said lovingly. She knew it was me. My mother kissed my head. "Go have fun, Ruby." She said and told Giana the same. Giana got behind my chair to push me but I slapped her hand away. "Please go first." I said half begging. She nodded and walked ahead slowly. I took my shaky hands and wheeled myself behind her to the room full of all of the teens and children. This was going to be ruff. Worse than the looks from the adults. Because I know more than anyone just how cruel kids can be.

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