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    I wheeled myself into the room following behind Giana for the first time. Normally I would go first. Get things thrown at me. Ranging from paper to nothing but words. But that didn't happen to Giana. "Gee where is that faggot of a brother you've got?!" My twelve year old cousin, Reese yelled. He shut his mouth when he saw me. He cocked his head to the side just as his mother had. It didn't click with him. The younger kids chattered unaware what he had said. None paying me attention just the blocks or bubbles in their tiny hands. There were only seven above the age of twelve in this room not including us. A flash of blonde hair caught my eye entering the room from the back door. He smelt like smoke and I saw the lighter in his hand still. He was our distant cousin, James. James walked up to Giana and hugged her. They were close outside of school. In school is where it stopped though. She was unpopular and he was. He looked at me then Giana. "Who is this?" He asked simply and then closed his mouth quickly and just looked as if we were supposed to answer immediately. Giana was lost for words though and looked down unsure what to say.

    I stuck my hand out and smiled crookedly. "Hi I'm Ruby Hart. I am Giana's sister now." I said in a moderately happy voice. I know that he was looking at me as if I am crazy. "Yeah Ruby is Robert's pin-pal from Estonia. Both of their parents agreed to have them participate in a program where they exchange lifes to see if the grass really is greener on the other side. But as you can see Ruby had a little trouble on her way here and hurt her leg pretty bad. We should have called ahead but the reunion just sprung up on us again." She said coolly. Giana was on the debate team and was rather good at it. I smiled up at her gingerly. "Yeah but it wasn't you guy's fault I was just a tad bit drowsy getting off the plane and tripped." I said thinking of embarrassing things to make me blush.

     James scratched his head and blinked. "Well that sure is.....different. So you are telling me that Robert. The gay guy is living in Europe is some country I've never heard of?" He said sceptically. Giana nodded and smiled, "So whose motorcycle is that out there? It is really nice." Then he changed completely from a sour look on his face to a smile that stretched ear to ear. "That is mine I got it last week for my seventeenth birthday. The bash was killer. I was going to invite you would have just got thrown in the pool and I didn't want anyone to start teasing you about not being able to swim." He said first happy, then rather sad and awkward. It was very strange just how much that he cared for her sometimes. He was supposed to be one of the most popular bad boy types at the highschool. Well, I guess I'll find out all too soon. I grabbed my phone quickly and text mother. I told her what the story was. Now I can only hope it is believable by people above the age of seventeen. My Aunt from earlier by now would have made a scene about me being transsexual. But from someone who has been put on medication for paranoia and at one point manic depression, an outburst of such could be disregarded if an explantion is presented.

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