Chapter Two: Bad Luck, Matt

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The car pulled over on the shoulder of the road, coming to a complete standstill, the dust which had been disturbed from the tyres settled down around them. Evelyn left the car running, the radio and air-conditioner on for the people who chose to stay in the car, she pushed her seat back a little, allowing her to get out from behind the steering-wheel having it pulled all the way forward to accommodate for her shortness. Her along with Matt, Jimmy, Brian and Riley all piled out, shouts and groans resonated from the very back as Jimmy accidently leant on Johnny whilst trying to climb out.

"Sorry, John!" Jimmy called out, his lips twisted into a pout at accidently hurting his boyfriend. The pout quickly morphed into a smile at the thumbs-up that he received. Nodding his head, he patted down his pockets for the crumpled up cigarette packet that he swore he had put in there this morning, but to no avail, he couldn't find it. With a huge, overly dramatic smirk, Jimmy bounded his way over to where Brian was stood next to Riley, in the middle of conversation. His hand dipped down into Brian's front pocket, resulting in an amused yet horrified strangled gasp from Brian.

"What the fuck are you doing? Digging to China?" Brian groaned, frowning when the older male started to pat him down, a huge ass grin spreading onto his face slowly as he found them. Withdrawing the packets with an 'eureka', Jimmy dug out one of Brian's prized Marlboro's, ignoring the indignant look that he received from Brian, he grabbed the shocked man's lighter and lit up. Inhaling the bitter taste deep into his lungs, his eyes fell closed.

Opening an eye as he exhaled, blowing the smoke directly into Brian's face, Jimmy smirked. "Thank you, Bri... I knew that keeping you around would benefit me someday," Jimmy cackled, poising the cancer stick between his fingers as he tapped Brian's nose, knowing full well that he just got that pierced the other day.

Yelping in pain, Brian cupped his hand over his nose, mindful of the throbbing pain that was radiating out from his left nostril. "You fucker! James, you went with me!" Brian growled out, his eyes watering from the pain that he was currently experiencing. His hand jerking out to slap over Matt's chest at the scoff from the slightly younger man.

"Great, Jimmy... Now we have to listen to his bitching and moaning all up until we get there," Matt sighed, his eyes rolling in mock annoyance. But, deep down, he actually loved listening to Brian's problems, not that he'd admit that to anyone. It was calming, just to listen to the smooth, soft sound of his voice, it was something that Matt could listen to all day. Matt clapped Jimmy on the back as he stamped out his own cigarette, the rocks crunching under his feet as he walked back into the car, pressing a kiss to Evelyn's cheek before climbing back into the car, reclaiming the spot that he originally had.

"Fuck you, Matthew. You're such a fucking, dick. If we're sharing a room, which will end up happening because I know Scott wants to be with Brooks for the week while we're here, you're on the fucking floor." Brian shot back, keeping his cigarette lit as he crawled back in, rolling down the window so the smoke would float out, catching in the wind that trailed past them. Brian's nose calmed slightly, the pain paling a little. "Stupid asshole," Brian muttered under his breath, clicking his seatbelt firm over his body before they were back on the road.

Silence fell over the car as Evelyn kept avoiding pot holes, sending everyone from side to side. Muttered curses were uttered under their breath, righting themselves. "You're doing it on purpose, Scott." Brian stated matter-of-factly, his arms crossed over his chest as he glared holes into the back of her head. Everyone rolled their eyes.

Matt just elbowed Brian's side, "Don't be stupid, Haner," Matt murmured, defending his girlfriend. Just really wanting an excuse to shut Brian's whinging up. His head was rested against the headrest, his eyes closed as he let his mind wander, thoughts of Evelyn drifting in and out of his mind. "The road is pretty dodgy."

"No it's not, Charles, and you know it," Brian sneered, poking fun of the fact that Matt hated the use of his middle name. A smirk twisted onto his thin lips at the low growl that bubbled up from the pit of Matt's chest.

Eyes snapped open as he turned his body to glare at Brian, "How many times do I have to tell you?! Stop fucking using my middle name to spite me, Elwin." Matt spat, knowing full well that Brian hated his just as much as he did. "What? Cat got your tongue, Junior?"

"Kids, kids... Don't make me give you time out," Riley chided, hiding her amusement from her voice. She loved Matt and Brian bickering, it was so damn childish that she couldn't help but laugh. Not to mention, she knew that there was unrequited sexual tension in between the two. Riley knew that Matt regretted their break up, and he was far too proud to admit that he missed Brian. And, Brian's ego was far too huge for him to admit that Matt was the best thing to happen to him.

"No no, it's funny listening to them... and you all call me a child," Jimmy chuckled from his position - curled up around Johnny's tiny frame.

"You are though!" Everyone shouted back at the same time causing Jimmy to just roll his eyes, and mutter under his breath, a pout forming on his lips.

The car turned onto another dirt road, but this time, it was a driveway. Which meant that they were only a few metres away from their destination. It was a huge wooden house with a even larger lake several paces away from it, the backyard was just as big. Trees sheltered the house, leading into the forest. It had been years since any of them had been there and they were all shocked to discover that not much had changed.

Evelyn pulled the keys from the ignition and pocketed them, rounding the back to the trailer that had been attached to house all of the unnecessary items that they had packed. "Alright everyone... Jimmy, Johnny and Zacky, you all are rooming together in the master bedroom. Matt and Brian, you're down the hall and Riley and I are in the room next to you. No swapsies, no take-backs, no- to fucking bad Brian, deal with it." She told them, the look on her face left no room for arguments. "Look alive, fuckers and get your shit in there."

It was a rush as everyone scrambled to grab their things, which only ended in disaster as someone's suitcases and eskies and everything else that was in their possession, was dumped in the middle of the doorway. "WHAT THE FUCK, JIMMY!? COME AND MOVE YOUR FUCKING SHIT!" Matt roared, sprawled out on the floor, clutching his elbow, trying to kick out his leg to kick at Brian who was in hysterics.

"Done laughing, asshole?" Matt spat once he had managed to get himself on his feet. Brushing off the dirt from his pants.

"Yep!" Brian replied, popping the 'p' with a large smirk plastered over his face. Matt just sighed, it was going to be a long week and a half.

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