Chapter Fifteen: Be Careful What You Wish For

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The next two days were unusually quiet, it was as if things had gone back to normal, but unfortunately, they never would be anymore. There'd be grim reminders of friends lost as well as families to be told of what's happened and funerals to be planned. It already was proving to be difficult; having lost three close friends already, none of the guys wanted to lose anymore. But, they knew that would be high wishes.

Each day that had passed was hard. Brian had turned stoic, Matt had resorted to consuming copious amounts of coffee, Johnny would be found sobbing every so often, and Jimmy; well, Jimmy had switched with Johnny and now was paranoid. Johnny couldn't be more than a foot away from him at all times. He was afraid. Fearful that he'd lose Johnny. It was the last thing that he wanted. Matt and Brian were preparing for the worst, and Johnny had already accepted the fact that out of who was left, he was the most likely one to be killed next.

It was only a mere three days after Zack had passed when Johnny finally looked to be in the mood to interact with the rest of the guys. Jimmy looked thrilled to finally have a verbal conversation with his boyfriend and Matt and Brian were both pleased.
"I figured it out," Johnny murmured, stabbing at his food with his fork, pushing aside the things that he didn't eat so he could shovel the rest into his mouth.

Brian frowned softly, shuffling closer to the fire, "Figured what out, bud?" He asked, curiosity laced his tone, akin to that of a three year old asking if Santa would be visiting that year.

"Water... Riley's death was a bath-tub, Evelyn was impaled on a pole in the lake, Zacky was found in the fucking water system. It's a goddamn fucking pattern and, judging from past experience, I am next." Johnny muttered bitterly, stabbing at the chicken that Matt had "lovingly" prepared; meaning that all he'd done was damn near burnt down the whole kitchen while Brian had the sense to take over and cook it.

Brian and Matt shared looks of identical concern while Jimmy looked downright horrified. His usually pale face had gone several shades whiter and his eyes were the size of dinner plates. He hadn't wanted to overthink the whole thing, but now, at Johnny's words, he was forced too. The reality was stark. Unforgiving, almost.

"No," was Jimmy's whispered response. His black hair cut sharply through the air as he shook his head side to side furiously, as if he were a dog shaking off droplets of water. "You can't think these things, John. You can't fucking sit there and tell me that she has this all fucking written down and you'll somehow be fucking next." Jimmy hissed, getting off of the couch, his features hard and stern. His lip curled upwards before he stormed upstairs, the sound of the door slamming behind him echoing down to the guys.

Brian moved away from the fire-place and walked over to where Johnny was sat, a shocked look plastered all over the younger man's face. "You should go up to him, you need each other." Was his advice, a comforting squeeze to the shoulder was given before Johnny got up and silently made his way up to the room that he and Jimmy shared.

Johnny was hesitant, Jimmy rarely snapped at him ever. They were one of the few couples who didn't fight, or argue. But, there they were. He knocked on the white wooden door softly twice before opening it. There was a lot of things that Johnny was expecting to receive, but to see Jimmy sat on the mattress, staring blankly at a wall wasn't one of them.

"Jim... baby?" Johnny mumbled as he walked further into the room and over to where his boyfriend was, his posture and expression stoic. Blue eyes flickered over to Johnny briefly before returning to their spot on the wall. "I'm sorry... for-"

Jimmy moved over and cut off Johnny's prepared speech with a finger to his lips, "Shush. I'm not upset, I'm just hurt... all of my friends are slowly dying, and there's a possibility that my boyfriend will be next. I can't imagine you gone, Johnny. I love you."

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