Chapter Six: It Begins- Disappearing Act

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Matt and Brian were the last pair to wake up, slowly descending the staircase, unusually quiet. Both had identical tired expressions which hid something else, no one could pin-point exactly what it was, without needing to ask either one of them and since they didn’t want to jinx the silence, no one bothered to question it. Sun filtered through the gaps in the curtains, casting shadows in numerous places. Birds chirped happily in the warmth, which continued all up until one of them smacked right into the window.

Everyone was bleary eyed and lethargic, movements slow as they tried to wake up. One thing that the pair noticed was the lack of Jimmy and Johnny, the love-sick couple nowhere to be seen. Usually, Jimmy was the first to wake, and after doing so, would promptly jump on whoever was closest to him, just to ask if his breath smelt. Poor Zacky would get the brunt of that, always.

Zacky on the other hand was satisfied in the knowledge that he wouldn’t have to go through with the trauma of having a man who’s three times his height, sat on his stomach, breathing into his face. But, he was curious also. “Riley, you were the first one up… did you see Jimmy or Johnny anywhere?” Zacky asked, rubbing at his eyes with closed fists.

Riley looked over from where she was stood near the window and nodded, “I did… they were in the kitchen last time that I saw them,” she replied. Her nose wrinkled slightly at the possibilities of just what they could be doing in there. Unfortunately for Zack, he didn’t notice her expression.

“Right…” And with that, Zacky got up and ventured over to where the kitchen was, not entirely sure as to what to expect. But, the horrified yelp from him alerted the others as to just what Jimmy and Johnny were doing. “WHAT THE FUCK, GUYS!? WE HAVE TO EAT OFF FROM THAT!” Zacky screeched, his voice several octaves higher than what it usually was, when he walked back in, his face was a ghastly grey-white colour and his eyes were almost the size of dinner plates.

Brian had to bite down into his fist to prevent from bursting into laughter; tears pricked the corners of his eyes due to the exertion that it was taking to not break out in hysterics. Once suitably calmed down, he glanced up at the shocked man, “So I guess you cooking us breakfast is out of the question?” Brian asked wryly, wincing slightly at the elbow into the ribs that he got from Matt.

“Quit being such a dick, Haner,” Zack shot back, his eyes narrowing as he sat back down in the seat that he vacated. “Unless you want a certain secret to come out, I suggest you shut your fucking mouth.”

Brian’s eyebrow shot high up into his hairline at the threat, his eyes flickering over to Matt then back to the younger man. Zack’s expression was smug and cocky; he knew that Brian would keep quiet no matter what. “Zack,” Matt warned, shaking his head slightly from side to side.

“Baby, what secret is Zacky talking about?” Evelyn’s soft voice piped up, her blue eyes flickering with a range of emotions that she was sure that she never would have to feel whilst with Matt. Slowly, she stood; trying not to let her body language betray her. It was hard though, to see her boyfriend sat in front of her, harbouring something which he doesn’t want to tell her. Evelyn knew that something like this was bound to happen.

“I…” Matt sighed, standing up to full height. “Brian, Ev, outside,” he mumbled, glaring at Zack as he passed, walking out to the backyard. His palms clamed up with sweat as he watched the pair walk out, Brian’s head was hung slightly and Evelyn looked worried.

Matt tried to just say those words, those four little words that will inevitably break his entire relationship with the blonde stood in front of him. They got caught in his throat, however. Matt glanced over at Brian, his hazel eyes pleading with the older man to help him out.

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